石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1107 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁180 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁217-218 &*1.許郭璜,〈元朱德潤林下鳴琴〉,收入《李郭山水畫系特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1999年初版),頁57-60。 2.本社,〈元朱德潤林下鳴琴〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第20期(1984年11月),封底。 3.李霖燦,〈山水畫中點景人物的斷代研究〉,《故宮季刊》,第十三卷第二期(1978年冬),頁25-40。 &*朱德潤(西元一二九四-一三六五年)字澤民。睢陽(今河南商丘)人。擅長山水畫,人物畫亦佳。 松蔭下有人以琴會友,小船上的漁夫,驅往岸旁聆聽著琴聲,溪邊取水的童子回首注視,焦點薈集於松下。對岸雲煙飄渺,上有古寺,極為清遠幽雅。&*Chu Te-jun, a native of Honan province, excelled at landscape and figure painting. Shown in this painting is a group of three scholars sitting under a cluster of trees along the shore. One of them is strumming the zither as a fisherman in a skiff seems to paddle closer in order to listen to the music. An attendant at the stream's edge turns his head and gazes back at the scholars. The composition is centered around these figures under the massive trees. A diagonal line of birds in flight echoes the angle of the shore extending into the distance, where the roof of a building emerges from the mist. The mist-drenched scene extends even further, evoking the sense of a pure and elegant atmosphere.&*河岸邊勁挺聳立巨松下,有三位文士盤坐對談,其中一位似乎正在撫弦彈琴。河中一漁夫運槳划近,坐在石上取水的僮僕也回頭觀望,使得文士的琴會活動成為全畫的焦點所在。對岸的坡渚與煙靄輕籠的遠山相連,層層向後推移,交織出平緩幽遠的怡人景致。朱德潤字澤民,活動於吳郡一帶,曾因趙孟頫的推薦而擔任翰林應奉,有《存復齋集》傳世,和吳地的柯九思、張雨等書畫家也往來密切。他長於書畫,書體近於趙孟頫,畫風則遠追十至十一世紀的李成、郭熙、許道寧。本幅以流暢而率意的筆法畫松樹與藤蔓,有行草書的意趣;人物造型簡約,但不失結構與立體。畫家以濃淡變化多端的墨色暈染山石,捕捉煙雲變幻的空曠迷濛,造成強烈的明暗對比,也使得全畫濕潤飽滿,顯得生意盎然。(馬孟晶)&* 朱德潤(1294∼1365),字澤民,其先睢陽人,後徙居吳郡,與柯九思、張雨等人交游,常於吳門賞書論畫,畫山水宗法李成、郭熙。延祐六年以趙孟頫薦授翰林應奉,兼國史院編修。著有《存復齋集》十卷及續集,並行於世。 畫松樹三株,矗立江邊,松下三人琴會高談,一漁翁持槳輕曳而至,童子臨流汲水,回望江天,一片遼闊。隔岸坡陀起伏,崗巒層立,煙霧空濛。 近景主樹幾佔全幅的一半,畫樹皴石墨色濃郁,描寫細膩,隔水對岸的山石林木則盡量簡化,層層推遠,大部份隱於嵐霧之中。使畫面形成細密繁複與疏朗鬆秀的對比。利用濃淡墨色相間,簡化物象,使畫幅更形開闊。在筆法線條變化上,樹用中鋒細筆,勾勒坡石取筆側臥成勢,起頓間,產生粗細變化的線條趣味,在學郭熙畫法的元人之中,朱德潤較曹知白、唐棣等更貼近郭熙的技法表現。惟畫法雖學郭熙,然流暢婉通的筆法似書行章,寫意趣味甚濃,構圖以經營河岸為主,筆法結構趨於元朝。 &*Chu Te-jun, a native of Honan province, excelled at landscape and figure painting. Shown in this painting is a group of three scholars sitting under a cluster of trees along the shore. One of them is strumming the zither as a fisherman in a skiff seems to paddle closer in order to listen to the music. An attendant at the stream’s edge turns his head and gazes back at the scholars. The composition is centered around these figures under the massive trees. A diagonal line of birds in flight echoes the angle of the shore extending into the distance, where the roof of a building emerges from the mist. The mist-drenched scene extends even further, evoking the sense of a pure and elegant atmosphere.