石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁996 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁167 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁209-210&*趙麟(西元十四世紀),浙江吳興人。雍之子,孟頫之孫,字彥徵,官浙江省檢校。工書,善畫人物,至正壬午(一三四二年)作春山圖,乙巳(一三六五年)作洗馬圖。 趙麟畫傳世絕少,此幀畫老樹枯枝,藤蘿纏繞。一人朱衣紗帽,坐樹根。前一馬低首嚙草。其人端詳視其骨相以度駿駑。人物衣褶、馬之鬃鬣,皆細勁有力。樹稍遜,款書極得家法。&*Chao Lin, the son of Chao Yung and grandson of Chao Meng-fu, had the style name Yen-cheng. He served as Prefectural Police Inspector of Chekiang province. Excelling as a calligrapher, Chao Lin was also known for his figure paintings. Few paintings by Chao Lin are still extant. Two of his paintings are known: "spring Mountains" dated 1342 and "Bathing A Horse" dated 1365. This scroll depicts an old tree entwined with vines. A man, wearing red robes and a black hat, is seated on the tree roots. In the foreground is a horse with head lowered eating grass. The man focuses his concentration on the physiognomy of the animal. The fold of the robes and the horse's mane are executed with fine powerful brushstrokes. The calligraphy in Chao Lin's inscription strongly demonstrates the Chao family style.