石渠寶笈三編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁516&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁172&*故宮書畫圖錄(四),頁1-2&*1.本社,〈元李衎雙松圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第24期(1985年3月),封底裡。 &*李衎(西元一二四五—一三二0年),河北薊縣人。字仲賓,號息齋道人。曾出使交趾,深入竹鄉,對竹的形色生態作過詳細的觀察。著有﹝畫竹﹞、﹝墨竹﹞兩譜。 坡石上雙松高聳,尚有幾株枯樹依依旁立,似是描寫歲寒草木都己枝凋,而松樹的枝葉仍然茂密蒼翠。松葉以細筆中鋒畫成球狀,松榦漬染圓渾,饒有秀雅溫潤的感覺。在畫幅左側枯樹坡石間,有「仲賓更字息齋」的印文。&*Li K'an served as a scholar in the Yüan court and was enfeoffed Duke of Chi for his services. He was especially well-known for bamboo painting, and wrote treatises on the subject. Li K'an was once sent to Chiao-chih, an area famous for its bamboo. There he made a careful study of all aspects of bamboo which he incorporated into his painting, and recorded in two books on the subject. A finely painted brush was held upright throughout the execution of this painting. resulting in an elegant, full-bodied feeling. The needles of the pine trees are densely clustered. There is no date or signature on the work, but a small six-character seal of the artist may be found between a rock and small tree at the lower left.