石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁1919&故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁50&黃庭堅(西元一0四五-一一0五年),字魯直,號山谷道人,洪州分寧(今江西省修水)人。他是北宋的大詩人,也和蘇軾、米芾、蔡襄同為北宋四大書家。 北宋詩文書畫在文人提倡下,崇尚清新自然,大書法家均一反唐楷嚴整的格律,轉而追求個人創作的自由,黃庭堅尤為個中翹楚。他的行楷書結構充分發揮傾側之美,線條誇張而有餘韻,筆力圓勁,尤其一波三折的頓挫功夫,令人玩味不盡。&Huang T'ing-chien, a native of Kiangsi province, was a great poet of the period and ranked along with su Shih, Mi Fu, and Ts'ai Hsiang as one of the Four Northern Sung Masters of Calligraphy. Northern Sung scholar-officials advocated purity and naturalness in the arts of poetry, prose, calligraphy, and painting. Calligraphers reiected the strict, formal qualities of T'ang standard script and searched for freedom in individual expression and creativity. Huang was one of the most outstanding among them. His semi-standard script clearly reveals the beauty of slanting strokes. His lines are exaggerated yet harmonious,while the brushwork is rounded and strong, especially where the strokes stop and start in his unique "trembling" style. & 黃庭堅(1045?1105)字魯直,號涪翁,江西分寧人。二十三歲中進士,歷任汝州(河南)葉縣縣尉、北京國子監教授、秘書省校書郎等職。長於行書和草書,與蔡襄(1012?1067)、蘇軾(1036?1101)、米芾(1051?1108)合稱「宋四大家」。 崇寧元年(1102)九月,黃庭堅與朋友遊鄂城樊山,途經松林間一座亭閣,在此過夜,作了這首「松風閣」的詩,歌詠當時所看到的景物,並表達對朋友的懷念。這件書蹟長波大撇,提頓起伏,一波三折,像是船夫搖槳用力的樣子。不論收筆、轉筆,都是楷書的筆法,下筆平和沉穩,變化非常含蓄,輕頓慢提,婀娜穩厚,意韻十足。在後段提到前一年已去世的蘇軾時,心中不免激動,筆力特別凝重,結字也更加傾側,是尚意書風的典型。 &Huang T'ing-chien, a native of Kiangsi province, was a great poet of the period and ranked along with Su Shih, Mi Fu, and Ts'ai Hsiang as one of the Four Northern Sung Masters of Calligraphy. Northern Sung scholar-officials advocated purity and naturalness in the arts of poetry, prose, calligraphy, and painting. Calligraphers rejected the strict, formal qualities of T'ang standard script and searched for freedom in individual expression and creativity. Huang was one of the most outstanding among them. His semi-standard script clearly reveals the beauty of slanting strokes. His lines are exaggerated yet harmonious, while the brushwork is rounded and strong, especially where the strokes stop and start in his unique "trembling" style.