石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1092&故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁2&吳琚(活動於十二世紀後半),開封人。他的父親吳益是南宋高宗吳皇后之弟,母親是秦檜的孫女。雖是外戚權貴之後,卻並不自驕,詩文書法俱佳。 此幅七言絕句書自蔡襄詩,是少見的宋代掛軸書蹟。吳字挺拔俊秀,結體和姿態都宗米芾,但是和北宋書家筆筆送到的工夫相較,吳琚的運筆快速強勁、行筆不時出現飛白,顯示南宋書家對上下呼應與整體氣勢追求,甚於每一字的精工與錘鍊。&Wu Chu was a native of K'ai-feng, Honan. In 1173, he was appointed Controller-General of Hangchow and by 1195 had risen to the position of Military Commissioner of the Chen-an Troops. As the nephew of Emperor Kao-tsung (r. 1127-1162), he was often in attendance with Kao-tsung's son, Emperor Hsiao-tsung (r. 1162-1189), who often appreciated poetry and calligraphy with Wu. Wu Chu's calligraphy is fresh and spirited, his use of ink rich and thick. His brush strokes were done with such speed that white spaces were left behind in a technique known as "flying white." The entire work here appears as if done in a single breath, the characters of the poem flow like the notes on a sheet of music, while the characters fly about as if in a dance. Gazing at this work gives a sense of peace and tranquility.&吳琚,生卒年不詳,開封人。字居父,號雲壑。其父吳益(西元一一二四-一一七一)為高宗吳皇后之弟。工翰墨,孝宗常召之論詩作字。歷帥荊襄鄂三路,嘉泰二年(一二0二)遷少保,卒諡忠惠,有雲壑集。 明董其昌評吳琚之書云:「琚書自米南宮芾外,一步不窺。」又云:「琚書似米元章,而峻峭過之。」觀此書,果與董氏之言甚合。&Wu Chü (style name Chü-fu, sobriquet Yün-ho, and posthumous name Chung-hui) was a native of K'ai-feng. His father, Wu I (1124-1171), was the younger brother of Empress Wu, Kao-tsung's consort. Wu Chü served as an official at the provincial level and was eventually given the prestigious title of Junior Guardian. His written works are compiled in the Collected Works of Yün-ho. The Ming critic Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (1555-1636) once said of Wu Chü’s calligraphy that "Chü’s calligraphy is taken from that of Mi Fu—not that of anyone else." He also said, "Chü’s calligraphy resembles Mi Fu's, but is more precipitous." This calligraphic work illustrates the aptness of Tung's comments.