石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁951&故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁79&故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁67-68&蘇漢臣(約西元12世紀),開封人。宣和畫院待詔。工道釋人物,尤善嬰兒。 本幅畫童嬰二人,撥棗為戲,精神專注,態貌如生,庭石芙蓉,秋光滿紙,另一圓櫈上列玩具,地上雙鈸,一俯一仰,無一物不工。&Su Han-ch'en was a native of K'ai-feng, Honan. He served as a Painter-in-Attendance in the Hsuan-ho Painting Academy at the end of the Northern Sung, and he continued in this capacity at the Southern Sung court during the Shao-hsing reign. He was skilled at religious subjects and figure painting, especially the painting of children. This work depicts two children playing with dates (fruit). They are entirely intent upon their game, their attitudes are most natural. In the garden, stones and hibiscus capture an autumn mood. Toys are arranged on the top of a round garden seat, while a pair of cymbals lie on the ground. Every detail in the scroll is precisely delineated.&蘇漢臣(西元十二世紀),開封人。宣和間入畫院任職待詔。宋室南渡後,再入紹興畫院。隆興初,且因畫佛像稱旨,授承信郎。長於道釋、人物,尤善畫童嬰。 本幅繪湖石婷立,芙蓉、雛菊爭艷,一派秋意盎然。姊弟二人,圍立圓几,專注於撥玩棗磨。右方几上和地面,復散置轉盤、佛塔、鐃鈸等。舉凡人與諸物,率皆刻畫細謹,敷染生動,洵為蘇氏傳世極精之作。&Su Han-ch'en was a native of K'ai-feng, Honan. He served as Painter-in-Attendance in the Imperial Painting Academy during the Hsüan-ho era (1119-1125) under Emperor Hui-tsung and was still active under Hsiao-tsung (after 1162). Su was skillful in painting Buddhist and Taoist figures and especially children. This work shows a boy and a girl playing a game with dates. Completely intent on their game, their attitudes are most natural. In the garden with a decorative rock, the colorful chrysanthemums and hibiscus capture the autumn mood. Some toys have been left on top of a round garden stool, and a pair of cymbals lies on the ground. Every detail in this work is precisely delineated, making it one of Su Han-ch'en's greatest masterpieces.