秘殿珠林三編(乾清宮),頁56&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁53&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁7-8&*本幅畫手托寶塔的托塔天王,即世所謂之北方天王,為盛唐以後極受尊奉的佛像之一,其旁環侍之人物造型已為佛道相參之勢。原謂尉僧乙僧所畫,然細審其筆墨,應屬明人風格。 尉遲乙僧,生卒年不詳。于闐國人。唐太宗貞觀(西元六二七─六四九年)初于闐國王以其丹青奇妙,薦之中都。所作菩薩,小則用筆緊勁如屈鐵盤絲,大則灑落有氣概。 &*This painting represents a Buddhist guardian figure with a pagoda in one hand. Also known as the deva king of the north, this figure was popular after the late T'ang dynasty. The deity appears here surrounded by supporting figures. Traditionally attributed to Wei-ch'ih I-seng, close study of the brush and ink, however, indicates the style of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Wei-ch'ih I-seng was a Khotanese who, early in the Chen-kuan reign of the T'ang Emperor T'ai-tsung, was renowned for his painting and recommended to the capital. In his representations of bodhisattvas, he used fine and taut brushstrokes that still convey the casual elegance and spirit of the subject.