故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁5-6&王羲之(西元三○七-三六五年),原籍山東臨沂,字逸少。精於法書各體,亦能繪事。其書法不但見重於當時,後世更尊為書聖。 遠宦帖亦名「省別帖」,是王氏寫與周撫之信。有北宋「大觀」、「宣和」,金「明昌御覽」,元「端本」等印;明為項元汴,經清耿會侯、安岐等人收藏,轉入清宮。&Wang Hsi-chih was a member of the aristocratic Wang clan that moved south from Lin-i, Shantung province. Wang was skilled in almost all of the various scripts and he was already highly regarded in his own time. Later generations elevated him to the supreme position as "The Sage of Calligraphy". This letter, also known as the name the Hsing-pieh Modelbook, was originally written by Wang Hsi-chih to Chou Fu. It carries imperial seals of the Northern Sung, Chin, and Yuan dynasties as well as those of famous private collectors such as Hsiang Yuan-pien and An Ch'i. In the Ch'ing dynasty, it once again entered the imperial collection. The fluid cursive script here reveals the flowing brushwork and liberated touch of this "sage" calligrapher.