羅家倫夫人張維楨女史捐贈書畫目錄,頁102、167&*鄭成功(西元一六二四-一六六二年)原名森,祖籍福建泉州,出生於日本九州。因曾率眾抵抗清軍,並將佔領台灣的荷蘭人驅離,受南明唐王賜姓朱,改名成功,南明桂王也封他為延平郡王,故又稱國姓爺、鄭延平、鄭王爺。 本幅為羅家倫夫人張維楨女士所捐贈。草書五言絕句:「粉壁畫仙鶴,昂藏真氣多;高飛竟不去,當是戀恩波。」通幅筆力勁健,線條轉折自如,展現出一派儒將的風範。(20100103)&* The ancestors of Zheng Chenggong (original name Shen) came from Quanzhou, Fujian, but he was born in Kyushu, Japan. He fought Qing troops and also invaded Taiwan, expelling its Dutch rulers. Rewarded by the Southern Ming King Tang with the imperial surname Zhu, he changed his name to Chenggong. King Gui also enfeoffed him as “Ruler of Yanping,” so he was known as “Father with the Imperial Surname” (or “Koxinga”). In this work donated to the Museum by Ms. Zhang Weizhen (wife of Luo Jialun), the 5-character truncated verse describes how a crane of immortality soars in spirit but will always remain close to the waves that nourished it. The brushwork here is strong and the lines twist naturally, revealing the spirit of a Confucian general.(20100103)&*鄭成功(西元一六二四-一六六二年)原名森,祖籍福建泉州,出生於日本九州。因曾率眾抵抗清軍,並將佔領台灣的荷蘭人驅離,受南明唐王賜姓朱,改名成功,南明桂王也封他為延平郡王,故又稱國姓爺、鄭延平、鄭王爺。 本幅為羅家倫夫人張維楨女士所捐贈。草書五言絕句:「粉壁畫仙鶴,昂藏真氣多;高飛竟不去,當是戀恩波。」通幅筆力勁健,線條轉折自如,展現出一派儒將的風範。&*The ancestors of Zheng Chenggong (original name Shen) came from Quanzhou, Fujian, but he was born in Kyushu, Japan. He fought the troops of the Qing dynasty and also invaded Taiwan, expelling its Dutch rulers. Rewarded by King Tang of the Southern Ming with the imperial Ming surname Zhu, he also changed his name to Chenggong. King Gui further enfeoffed him as "Ruler of Yanping," so he was known as "Father with the Imperial Surname" (or "Koxinga" in earlier romanization). In this work donated to the National Palace Museum by Ms. Zhang Weizhen (wife of Luo Jialun), the five-character truncated verse describes how a crane of immortality soars in spirit but will always remain close to the waves that nourished it. The brushwork here is strong and the lines twist naturally, revealing the spirit of a Confucian general.&*鄭成功(1624-1662)、元の名は鄭森、原籍は福建泉州、日本の九州生まれ。民衆を率いて清軍に抵抗し、台湾を占領していたオランダ人を追い払い、南明唐王より国姓(皇帝の姓)である「朱」姓を賜り、成功に改名した。南明桂王からも延平郡王に封ぜられ、「国姓爺」、「鄭延平」、「鄭王爺」とも称された。 「粉壁画仙鶴、昂蔵真気多。高飛竟不去、当是恋恩波。」(宋之問)草書で五言絶句が書かれている。全体に力強い筆遣いで自在に転折を繰り返し、教養も高かかった将軍の気風が感じられる。羅家倫夫人である張維楨女史寄贈。