石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁532-534&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁28&*文徵明(西元一四七0-一五五九年),江蘇長洲人。本名壁,字徵明,後以字行。亦字徵仲,號停雲生、衡山居士。詩文書畫并佳,為明四大家之一。畫師沈周,而別有造詣,影響晚明畫風甚鉅。 本幅為「明人畫扇」元冊第十七幅。茂林坡岸,流水潺潺,如聞其聲。高士一人,攜童子靜坐觀瀑。幅中多溼墨,筆甚豐潤。雖為粗筆水墨畫,筆筆如不經意,卻渾茂之甚。&*Wen Cheng-ming was a native of Soochow who excelled at poetry, writing, calligraphy, and painting. He was one of the Four Masters of the Ming. Studying painting from Shen Chou, he developed his own style and became a dominant force in late Ming art. This is the 17th leaf from the album Fans by Ming Painters. Luxuriant trees on a sloping bank extend down to water flowing as if it could be heard. A lofty scholar alone with a servant boy sits quietly viewing the waterfall. Much of the painting is rendered with moist ink and rich brush strokes. Although apparently a rough work in monochrome ink, each of the strokes has been carefully thought out and applied.