石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第四冊,頁1862&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁51&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十一冊,頁125-132&* 謝遂,生卒年里不詳,乾隆年間(西元一七三五-一七九六年)供奉內廷,工畫人物。 本卷畫金陵城的城市村廛,店鋪街景,市井人物,細節繁多,熱鬧非凡。全圖用筆精謹,人物神情生動。根據幅上作者款識,畫成於乾隆五十二年(西元一七八七年)。本院收藏中另有一卷楊大章仿宋院本金陵圖,並列比較,發現二卷構圖佈局均十分類似,唯此卷設色鮮麗,在細節人物方面略有減省。 &* Though details of his biography are unclear, Hsieh Sui was an artist in the imperial court of the Ch’ien-Iung emperor (r. 1735-1796). He was skilled in figure painting. This handscroll is a depiction of the city of Chin-ling (modern Nanking) and its outskirts. Filled with a multitude of details including street scenes, shops, and people, this scroll portrays the extraordinary hustle and bustle of Chin-ling. According to the artist’s signature and seals, this painting was completed in 1787. Both Hsieh Sui’s painting and another rendition of Chin-ling After the Version by Sung Court Artists by Yang Ta-chang in the Museum’s collection are extremely similar in composition, but Hsieh Sui’s version is more brightly colored with fewer details and figures.