石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第三冊,頁1235&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁48&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十冊,頁391-394&* 錢維城,江蘇武進人,生於聖祖康熙五十九(公元一七二○)年,死於高宗乾隆三十七(公元一七七二)年,中乾隆十年狀元,官至工部侍郎,畫擅山水花卉。 本幅長卷,繪春節期間盛開的各種吉祥花卉;如臘梅、紅梅、白梅、紅茶、薔薇、天竹子,用筆工整,敷色濃艷,是鄒一桂影響的院畫風格。 &* Ch’ien Wei-ch’eng was a native of Wu-chin, Kiangsu. His official career culminated in his appointment as Vice-president of the Board of Works. He excelled both in landscape and flower paintings. In this handscroll, all the auspicious flowers which bloom during the new year period are depicted. The brushwork is neat and refined, with a bright color rendering characteristic of the court academic style influenced by the famous flower painter Tsou I-kuei.