石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2225 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁5&*王鴻緒(西元一六四五-一七三三年),華亭(今上海人)。字季友,號儼齋、橫雲山人。康熙十二年(一六七三)榜眼,官至戶部尚書,精鑑賞,富書畫收藏。書學米芾、董其昌。(蘭亭序)原帖的段落,共二十八行、三百二十四字。本幅臨寫每行的字數,與通常見的段落不一樣。字距行間較為寬鬆,已是一般明清人書寫的方法。後方米黻兩跋,出於舊題為褚遂良摹的臨本。整幅書風具有米黻的靈活。&*Wang hung-Hsü, a native of Hua-t'ing (modern Shanghai), served as an official and was also a keen connoisseur, acquiring a large collection of painting and calligraphy. In calligraphy, he studied the styles of Mi Fu and Tung Ch'i-ch'ang. The original composition of the Orchid Pavilion Preface consisted of 324 characters divided into 28 lines. The number of characters in this copy, however, differs from that ordinarily seen. The spacing of the characters and lines are loose and already in the style associated with Ming and Ch'ing calligraphers. The two Mi Fu colophons appearing at the end of this work come from a copy attributed to Ch'u Sui-liang. This piece preserves the spirited manner of Mi Fu's (1051-1107) calligraphy.