簡介:" 銀紋淡黃蝶 Catopsilia pomona 翅米黃色,分無紋型與銀紋型,無紋型雄蝶背面黃色由基部漸層向外變淡,雌蝶翅背面外緣有黑色斑,銀紋型則在前後翅腹面有些許波紋斑,泛有微弱銀色反光,翅中間並有兩個小白斑。幼蟲以豆科的鐵刀木、阿勃勒以及黃槐為食,雌蝶在嫩葉葉表產一粒卵,幼蟲孵化後棲息在葉表中肋,最後化蛹在葉表、葉背、或附近莖枝上。成蟲主要發生在春末至夏季,雌蝶在寄主間快速穿梭,或訪花,雄蝶常在水邊吸水,分佈於台灣平地至海拔500公尺山區,另外在中國南部、熱帶亞洲及澳洲東北部也有分佈。 IntroductionCatopsilia pomonaWidely distributed in Asia and Australia . Larvae of the Lemon Emigrant develop into adults of different colors and patterns based on amount of sunlight received and environmental temperature. In Taiwan , larvae feed on leaves of trees from the family Fabaceae, such as Cassia siamea , C. fistula , and C. suffruticosa . Lemon Emigrants emerge from late spring through fall and are found in lowlands and low mountains. In the past , a large number of C. siamea was planted in the gorges of Meinung, southern Taiwan . These C. siamea forests attracted large populations of Lemon Emigrants, creating Yellow Butterfly Valleys . "