簡介:" 珠光鳳蝶 Troides magellanus sonani, 屬大型鳳蝶,雄蝶翅展約 15~20cm,雌蝶翅展約 20~25cm,為鳥翼蝶 (Birdwing butterflies) 成員之一;鳥翼蝶有 Troides、Ornitoptera 和 Trogonoptera 三屬,體型皆十分巨大,且都是華盛頓公約 (CITES) 下的保護物種。翅底色黑色,後翅背、腹面的金黃色斑隨角度不同可泛出不同色彩的珍珠般光澤而著稱。幼蟲的寄主植物為港口馬兜鈴。成蟲於蘭嶼地區全年可到,但主要發生於每年 3~4 月及 9~10 月間。早年為蘭嶼的常見種 (陳,1987),但棲地長期遭到開發破壞,造成幼蟲寄主植物港口馬兜鈴大量消失,再加上當地紅紋鳳蝶之競爭、羊群放牧及不當的非法捕捉 (陳,1987) 而有瀕臨滅絕之危機。目前為行政院農委會公告之保育類野生動物第一類 「瀕臨絕種野生動物」。本種資料主要引用顏和楊 (1991) 所發表之文獻內容。IntroductionTroides magellanus sonaniA large swallowtail butterfly. Wingspan of a Magellan's Iridescent Birdwing is 15-20 cm (male) or 20-25 cm (female). Background wing color is black. Golden markings on both dorsal and ventral sides of hindwings can glow with different pearlized sheens. Host plant of Magellan's Iridescent Birdwing larvae is Kankau birthwort ( Aristolochia kankauensis ) . Although the peak emergence is March and April and September and October, adult butterlfies are found year round on Orchid Island. Magellan's Iridescent Birdwings used to be common on Orchid Island. They are threatened with extinction from illegal hunting, habitat loss caused by grazing goats, loss of host plants caused by human development, and competition from Pachilopa aristolochiae interposita . "