丁雲鵬(生於西元一五四七或一五四八年,年八十二尚在世),字南羽,號聖華居士,安徽休寧人。善畫佛道人物,為晚明大家。 本幅畫十六應真圖,筆力穩健,線條流暢。羅漢造型追摹宋李公麟十六應真,胡貌梵像,圖中結跏趺坐者,入定者,頂禮者,立者,倚者,尊嚴者,慈和者,眉間毫相若涌寶光;復有珠珞寶幢,古木奇卉,伏虎馴龍,仙鶴野鹿,無不奇妙。觀其畫風疑為早期之作,故定其成畫時間為西元一五八九至一五九四年之間。 &*Ting Yün-p'eng (style name Nan-yü and sobriquet Sheng-hua chü-shih) was a native of Hsiu-ning, Anhwei. He specialized in depicting Buddhist and Taoist figures and is considered a master of Ming painting. This painting represents sixteen arhats in steady brushwork and flowing, even lines. The iconography of these arhats is patterned after the foreign features of those attributed to Li Kung-lin. (ca. 1049-1106). They appear seated, standing, or leaning and are characterized by their long eyebrows and haloes. They are decorated with jewelry and found with such objects as ancient trees, exotic flowers, a crouching tiger, a dragon, a cranes of immortality, or wild deer. Judging from the style, this appears to be an early work by Ting, suggesting it was completed between 1589 and 1594. &*1.〈明丁雲鵬白描應真〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《晚明變形主義畫家作品展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1977年九月初版),頁84。