故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁169&*盛京故宮書畫錄,第二冊,頁9&*米芾(西元一○五一-一一○八年),北宋書畫家、鑑賞家,祖籍太原(山西),遷襄陽(湖北襄樊)。徽宗趙佶召為書畫學博士,官至禮部員外郎。因舉止狂放,世稱「米顛」。行草書博取前人所長,用筆豪放,有「風檣陣馬,沉著痛快」之評。此卷雖掌握米芾書法形態,然用筆輕挑柔弱,點畫間亦時顯自家筆法,整體水準遠遜米芾。另有他本傳世,內容及書寫位置皆與本卷接近,惟點畫間略有不同。(20120104)&* Mi Fu was a painter, calligrapher, and connoisseur whose ancestors hailed from Taiyuan (Shanxi) but had moved to Xiangyang (Xiangfan, Hubei). Emperor Huizong recruited him as Doctor of Painting and Calligraphy, and he also was Vice Director of Rites. With an unbridled character, he was known as “Eccentric Mi.” In running and cursive scripts he searched among the ancients, his brushwork unrestrained like a “mast in wind” and “charging horses” for a “steady yet enthusiastic” style. This scroll grasps the form of Mi’s style, but the brush flicks weakly and the strokes occasionally reveal the actual artist’s manner, the overall effect distant from Mi’s. In another version, the contents and writing are similar, showing slight differences in strokes.(20120104)