石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁709 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁151 &*故宮歷代法書全集,第十一冊,頁66-87、196-198&*米芾(西元1051-1108年),北宋書畫家、鑑賞家。初名黻,字元章,號鹿門居士、襄陽漫士、海岳外史,自元祐六年(1091年)起,改名芾,祖籍太原(今屬山西),遷襄陽(今湖北襄樊),世稱米襄陽,後定居潤州(今江蘇鎮江)。徽宗趙佶召為書畫學博士,官至禮部員外郎,人稱「米南宮」。有潔癖,多畜奇石。嘗於無為州治,見巨石,狀其醜,大喜,巨衣冠拜揖,呼之為「兄」,因舉止狂放,世稱「米顛」。不能與世隨和,故從政數困。能詩文,善書畫,精鑒別,好收藏名迹。行、草書博取前人所長,用筆俊邁豪放,有「風檣陣馬,沉著痛快」之評。&* 米芾(西元1051-1108年),北宋書畫家、鑑賞家,祖籍太原(今屬山西),遷襄陽(今湖北襄樊)。徽宗趙佶召為書畫學博士,官至禮部員外郎。因舉止狂放,世稱「米顛」。行、草書博取前人所長,用筆豪放,有「風檣陣馬,沉著痛快」之評。其書法特色主要由其用筆而來。側鋒取勢,中鋒運筆,行筆迅速,轉折遒勁,露鋒尖利等等,都是其家法本色。本幅選自「宋四家集冊」。(20100102)&* Mi Fu was a Northern Song painter, calligrapher, and connoisseur whose ancestors hailed from Taiyuan (modern Shanxi) but had moved to Xiangyang (modern Xiangfan, Hubei). Emperor Huizong recruited him as Doctor of Painting and Calligraphy, and he also served as Vice Director of Rites. With his unbridled character, he was known as “Eccentric Mi.” In running and cursive scripts he searched among the ancients, his brushwork unrestrained like a “mast in wind” and “charging horses,” for a “steady yet enthusiastic” style. His style mostly derives from the brushwork. The slanted tip has force, while the centered tip moves freely among racing strokes that turn with energy and sharpness. This leaf is from “Collection of the Four Song Masters.”(20100102)