石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1097 &*故宮書畫錄(第三卷),第一冊,頁141 &*故宮歷代法書全集,第十一冊,頁4-37、186-193&*米芾(西元1051-1108年),北宋書畫家、鑑賞家。初名黻,字元章,號鹿門居士、襄陽漫士、海岳外史,自元祐六年(1091年)起,改名芾,祖籍太原(今屬山西),遷襄陽(今湖北襄樊),世稱米襄陽,後定居潤州(今江蘇鎮江)。徽宗趙佶召為書畫學博士,官至禮部員外郎,人稱「米南宮」。有潔癖,多畜奇石。嘗於無為州治,見巨石,狀其醜,大喜,巨衣冠拜揖,呼之為「兄」,因舉止狂放,世稱「米顛」。不能與世隨和,故從政數困。能詩文,善書畫,精鑒別,好收藏名迹。行、草書博取前人所長,用筆俊邁豪放,有「風檣陣馬,沉著痛快」之評。&*米芾(西元一O五一-一一O八年),北宋書畫家、鑑賞家。初名黻,字元章。自元祐六年(1091年)起,改名芾。徽宗趙佶召為書畫學博士,官至禮部員外郎。書以二王、顏真卿為基礎,用筆俊邁豪放。此帖款「米黻」,是送給即將前往江西地區任官友人的詩作,又稱三吳帖。米芾稱讚他為三吳(古代蘇州、湖州、吳江一帶通稱)大丈夫,具恢弘氣度和胸襟。米芾此時剛步入仕途,與友人際遇和抱負類似,藉詩文相互嘉勉。(20100406)&* Mi Fu (original name Fu 黻; changed to Fu 芾 in 1091) was a Northern Song painter, calligrapher, and connoisseur. Zhao Ji (Emperor Huizong) recruited him as Doctor of Painting and Calligraphy, and he also was Vice Minister of Rites. In calligraphy Mi took the styles of the Two Wangs and Yan Zhenqing as his foundation, his brushwork dashing and unbridled. This work, known as “On Three Places in Wu,” is signed “Mi Fu 黻” and consists of poetry sent to an official-friend of his in Jiangxi. Mi Fu praises him as a true man of “Three Wu” (a term for Suzhou, Huzhou, and Wujiang in antiquity), being of broad manner and mind. Mi Fu had just entered officialdom and had similar aspirations as his friend, exchanging poetry with him in mutual encouragement.(20100406)