石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2054-2056&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁248-249&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十九冊,頁146-151&*唐寅(西元一四七○至一五二三年),吳郡(江蘇吳縣)人。字子畏,又字伯虎。天賦多才,生性疏放,狂逸不羈。善人物、山水與花卉。 石旁野卉,原是平凡之物,唐伯虎以其勁銳瀟洒的皴紋,及淳厚的花葉筆劃,寫出花石素樸清雅之氣韻。綴以題詩:「雜卉爛春色,孤峯積雨痕;譬若古貞士,終身伴菜根。」寓意深長。&* T’ang Yin was a native of Suchou, Kiangsu. Extremely talented, he was unconventional by nature. His paintings of landscapes, figures, birds and flowers all reached the heights of skill. Grasses and wild flowers growing by the side of a rock are ordinary. In the hands of T’ang Yin, the scene is infused with an air of elegance and simplicity. A poem completes the imagery: “Wild flowers aflame with the colors of spring, A lone peak accumulates the stains of rain. Like a virtuous scholar of antiquity, Who leads a plain life on vegetable roots.”