故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁330&故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁293-294&杜菫(約活動於西元一四六五—一五○五年),本姓陸,後改姓杜。丹徒(江蘇鎮江)人,寓居南京。字懼南,號檉居、古狂,又自署青霞亭長。成化初,舉進士不第,遂絕意功名,專心於詩文、書畫。 「玩古圖」為雙拼巨幅,原畫可能曾被裱裝成立屏。主題除了鑑賞古器,也在描寫琴棋書畫等文人的游藝活動。畫風秀雅古樸,饒有南宋院體餘韻。杜菫此型工筆人物畫,對唐寅中期風格,深具影響。&Tu Chin was a native of Tan-t'u (modern Chen-chiang, Kiangsu) but later resided in Nanking. Early in the Ch'eng-hua era (ca. 1465), he took the civil service exams, but failed, devoting himself instead to poetry, writing, calligraphy, and painting. Originally, this work may have been 2 hanging scroll panels mounted as a standing screen. Representing the appreciation of antiquities, it depicts the leisurely activities of zither, chess, calligraphy, and painting associated with literati. The style is elegant and straightforward, much in the tradition of the Southern Sung (1127-1279) academic mode. Tu Chin's fine brush style, as seen in the figures here, greatly influenced the style of T'ang Yin starting from the middle of his career. & 杜堇,約活動於成化(西元一四六五-一四八八)至弘治(一四八八-一五○五)年間。丹徒人,字懼南,一作燿南。號檉居,又號古狂。自稱青霞亭長。成化初。應進士試不第。工詩文,通六書。善人物樓臺,花草鳥獸。園亭之中,案陳彝鼎,取次鑒別。筆力秀勁。設色澹雅。款書亦甚雅秀。 &Enjoying Antiquities Tu Chin (second half of the 15th century) Ming dynasty Tu Chin was a native of Kiangsu. His style name was Chü-nan; his sobriquets were Ch'eng-chü and Ku-k'uang. He often called himself Ch'ing-hsia t'ing-chang. At the beginning of the Ch'eng-hua period (1465-1488), he took the examinations for the chin-shih degree, but failed. He was well-versed in poetry and belles-lettres as well as philology; and in painting excelled at figures, architecture, birds and flowers. This painting depicts a gathering of scholars for the enjoyment of studying antiquities. The brushwork is refined and firm, the colors elegant. Especially fine is the calligraphy of the artist's signature.