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共找到 61 筆符合的資料
.edu.tw/sinicafrsFront/ 範圍與內容:本件為英文土地契約,原業主吳瑞書(Wu Sui shu)、吳玉書(Wu Yu shu)、吳福知(Wu Fu chih),承租人John.....more
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明邵彌畫山水 冊 樹下獨坐
in Kiangsu. He was known for poetry as well as calligraphy, which was based on the styles of Yu Shih-nan.....more
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清陸白?為長松圖 軸
as Sui-shan-chiao. Early in his career he studied the landscapes of Mi Fu and Mi Yu-jen of the Sung.....more
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明欽揖摹古 冊 墨梅
’in I (style name Yüan-yu) was a native of Wu-hsien (modern Soochow, Kiangsu). Aloof by nature, he.....more
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宋張即之書李衎墓志銘 卷
), but they are not aware that he was influenced by Ou-yang Hsün (557-641) and Ch'u Sui-liang (596-658)". The epitaph.....more
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清謝遂仿唐人大禹治水圖 軸
emperor Yu the Great opening mountains and controlling floodwaters. To do so, Yu traveled the land, one.....more
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明董其昌書杜甫謁玄元皇帝廟詩 ...
brushstrokes, the strokes are in actuality round. His style has abandoned the sweet manner of Yu Shih-nan.....more
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唐盧鴻草堂十志圖 卷
。 &*Lu Hung (style name Hao-jan) was a native of Yu-chou (modern Ta-hsing, Ho-pei). Living.....more
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唐褚遂良書倪寬傳贊 卷
。 本幅書法筆意柔婉而富拙趣,歷代論者多認為是褚遂良晚年作品。近代學者則以其文中之避諱用字習慣,與唐代情況不類,而書體之用筆亦與褚書有所出入,結構較似歐體,認為是宋人臨寫。&*Ch'u Sui-liang.....more
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監製:吳紹璲| 製片:龍芳| 攝影:祁和熙、陳廣瑞、陳玉帛、劉明德| 錄音:王榮芳| 剪接:周道淳| 音樂:李國保| 編導:楊文淦| Production supervisor:SHAO-SUI.....more
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秦瓊 英雄 袁于令 隋史遺文 隋唐演義 Qin Qiong Hero Yuan Yu-ling Sui Shi Yi Wen Sui Tang Yan Yi 國家圖書館 20101000 期刊論文.....more
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Effects of Ethanol Impregnatio...
19971200 期刊論文 何瑞文(Ho, Sui-wen) 蘇鈺書(Su, Yu-shu) Effects of Ethanol Impregnation on the Catalytic.....more
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Endotracheal intubation Tracheal laceration 氣管內插管 氣管裂傷 國家圖書館 19980900 期刊論文 鍾聿修(Chung, Yu-hsiu) 王瑞隆.....more
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Image Recovery of Geometric Di...
國家圖書館 20090900 期刊論文 李明穗(Lee, Ming-sui) 邱鈺翔(Chiu, Yu-hsiang) Image Recovery of Geometric Distortion.....more
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