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共找到 33 筆符合的資料
主要題名:和漢年契 一卷
:中央研究院歷史語言研究所 主要題名:和漢年契 一卷 拼音題名:He han nian qi yi juan 版本敘述:日本天保二年(1831)大阪浪速書肆宣英堂刊本 裝訂:線裝 序跋題記者:三村其元.....more
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民國齊白石長年大貴 單片
, and seal carving. A native of Hunan province, he was renowned along with Wu Changshi as "Qi.....more
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清胡錫珪修竹仕女 軸
, and Gai Qi. He excelled most at the “boneless” method of color washes to depict figures, his brush.....more
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清龔賢春山如沐圖 軸
own. Along with Fan Qi, Gao Cen, Zou Zhe, Wu Hong, Ye Xin, Hu Zao, and Xie Sun, he was one.....more
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明沈周扁舟詩思圖 軸
, and landscape painting. He also painted fruits and vegetables, birds, and other animals in monochrome ink. He.....more
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明沈周寫生 冊 雞冠花
)&*Shen Zhou (style name Qi'nan; sobriquets Shitian and Baishiweng) was a native of Changzhou.....more
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明沈周寫生 冊 玉蘭
, a native of Changzhou, went by the style name Qi'nan and the sobriquet Shitian. Gifted at calligraphy.....more
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明丁雲鵬白馬馱經圖 軸
年之繁細作風,而趨疏簡清逸之畫境。&*Ting Yün-p'eng was influenced by his father and came to enjoy painting. He.....more
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Some Literature Review on the ...
中式起承轉合文體 英文論說文 問題-解決方法文體 Chinese qi-cheng-zhuan-he writing model English argumentative writing.....more
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五帝降氣 合和氣化 感生氣化 帝位應星 Qi descension by the five emperors He he qi hua Gan sheng qi hua.....more
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謝赫 六法 氣韻生動 形似 神似 筆墨 元氣 氣運 自然 Xie He Six Rules Qi-yun-shen-dong Rhythmic vitality Likeness.....more
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