

Tombstone of 馬 (MA3) family at Taiwan, Taibeishi, Fude Gongmu. The tombstone-ID is 1737; 台灣,台北市,福德公墓,馬姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 馬 (MA3) family a...

are carved, and they are gold, . The tombstone is a pentagon. The elements on this tombstone.....more

Tombstone of 徐 (XU2) family at Taiwan, Taibeishi, Fude Gongmu. The tombstone-ID is 1753; 台灣,台北市,福德公墓,徐姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 徐 (XU2) family a...

are carved, . The tombstone is a pentagon. The elements on this tombstone are (person)(date)(erected.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Nanxixiang, Guidancun, north of village. The tombstone-ID is 7302. ; 台灣,台南縣,楠西鄉,龜丹村,村子北方,公有地,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

, . The tombstone is a pentagon; 這是一個在台灣,台南縣,楠西鄉,龜丹村,村子北方,公有地發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的。這個墓碑是一塊五角形.....more

Tombstone of 江 (JIANG1) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Guangfuxiang, Guangfucun, graveyard east of Highway 9, on hill. The tombstone-ID is 10673; 台灣,花蓮縣,光復鄉,光復村,台9號東邊,近山丘,江姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 江 (JIANG1) famil...

, and they are gold, . The tombstone is a pentagon. The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date.....more

Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Guangfuxiang, Guangfucun, graveyard east of Highway 9, on hill. The tombstone-ID is 10554; 台灣,花蓮縣,光復鄉,光復村,台9號東邊,近山丘,陳姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family...

, . The tombstone is a pentagon. The elements on this tombstone are (person)(date)(quotation); 這是一個在台灣,花蓮縣.....more

Tombstone of 呂 (LV3) family at Taiwan, Penghuxian, Xiyuxiang, old graveyard near Waian. The tombstone-ID is 22584; 台灣,澎湖縣,西嶼鄉,外垵附近的古墓,呂姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 呂 (LV3) family a...

, . The tombstone is a pentagon. The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused.....more


陸緯專欄--Ptarmigan 和Pentagon...

國家圖書館 期刊論文 陸緯 陸緯專欄--Ptarmigan 和Pentagon 的聯想 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:行遍天下[國際版] 卷期:140 民92.05 頁次:頁24.....more


Changing the Pentagons Plannin...

國防預算 國防部 PPB制度 國家圖書館 20101000 期刊論文 Changing the Pentagon's Planning, Programming and Budgeting.....more


Changing the Pentagons Plannin...

國防預算 國防部 PPB制度 國家圖書館 20091200 期刊論文 Changing the Pentagon's Planning Programming and Budgeting.....more


Changing the Pentagons Plannin...

國防預算 國防部 PPB制度 國家圖書館 20090700 期刊論文 Changing the Pentagon's Planning, Programming and Budgeting.....more


Changing the Pentagons Plannin...

國防預算 國防部 PPB制度 國家圖書館 20091000 期刊論文 Changing the Pentagon's Planning, Programming and Budgeting.....more


Changing the Pentagons Plannin...

國防預算 國防部 PPB制度 國家圖書館 20100700 期刊論文 Changing the Pentagon's Planning, Programming and Budgeting.....more
