搜尋:lung pa


LO_004_0003, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0003, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

LO_004_0007, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0007, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

LO_004_0001, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0001, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

LO_004_0005, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0005, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

LO_004_0004, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0004, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

LO_004_0008, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0008, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

LO_004_0006, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0006, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

LO_004_0002, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0002, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

LO_004_0010, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0010, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

LO_004_0009, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0009, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

LO_004_0012, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0012, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

LO_004_0011, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0011, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

LO_004_0013, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0013, Denma Locho Rinpo...

/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung.....more

Selaginella mollendorffii Hieron. 異葉卷柏

Selaginella mollendorffii Hier...

) 海拔:50-150 M 生育地環境:Broadleaf forest, On the moist slope 備註:Entrance of Mt. Pa-tiao-erh-shan. 標本採集者.....more

清董誥繪高宗御筆甲午雪後即事成詠詩 軸


His-ching; hao Che-lin) was the son of Tung Pa-ta. He received the chin-shih in 1764.....more

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