故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁130 &故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁71-72& 郎世寧(西元一六八八-一七六六年),意大利人。十九歲,入天主教耶穌會為修士。曾習油畫,兼習建築。二十七歲來華,以繪事供事內廷,歷仕康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝。善畫人物、花鳥,尤善犬馬。 其畫法,於中國傳統中加入西洋光影透視法,以及西畫顏料。故凡諸所作,色彩穠豔,形象逼肖。本院藏郎世寧駿犬圖十幅,此乃其中一幅,名為「茹黃豹」。 清廷臣工獻名犬,使郎世寧作圖,共十軸,合稱十駿犬,茹黃豹為滿臣侍郎三和所進。本幅以桐樹榴花佈景,桐枝上立一鵲低首鳴噪,駿犬躑躕行坡徑間昂首回顧,毛衣悅澤,態貌如生。 & Giuseppe Catiglione was a native of Italy. At the age of 19 he entered the Jesuit order as a novitiate and studied oil painting and architecture. In 1715, at 27 years of age, he was sent to China. Taking the Chinese name Lang Shih-ning, he served as a court painter from the Kang-hsi era (1662-1722) to the Ch’ien-lung era (1736-1795). He excelled at painting figures and birds-and-flowers, especially dogs and horses. In his painting style, he introduced Western modes of chiaroscuro and perspective into the Chinese art tradition. He also used Western materials in painting. As a result, his works are characterized by rich colors and realistic appearances. This painting is one of the ten hanging scrolls depicting imperial hounds, the one here named “Ju-huang-pao (Yellow Panther).” In the Ch’ing court, ministers and officers presented famous hunting dogs to the emperor, and Lang Shih-ning was commissioned to paint a portrait of each of the “Ten Outstanding Hunting Dogs.” Ju-huang-pao was presented by the Manchu official San Ho. In a scene of pawlonia trees and pomegranate flowers, the hunting dog hesitates slightly on a mountain path, raising his head and looking backwards, while above a magpie lowers its head and cries noisily. The dog’s coat is gorgeous, and his appearance most lifelike.