搜尋:will to form


元盛懋江楓秋艇 卷

元盛懋江楓秋艇 卷

long, intertwined hemp fiber strokes that cross and form a texture like that of a net, which is much.....more

明邵彌畫蓮華大士像 軸

明邵彌畫蓮華大士像 軸

sketchily for a free and loose quality. The unconventional rendering in the form of a scholar provides yet.....more

清無量壽佛 軸

清無量壽佛 軸

and form adhere strictly to the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. However, the treatment of the facial.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋李德茂蘆洲蜂蝶

宋元集繪 冊 宋李德茂蘆洲蜂蝶

presents the beautiful wonders of nature in miniature form.&*1.王耀庭,〈李德茂蘆洲蜂蝶〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《草蟲畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國.....more

明人集繪 冊 清藍深仿李成南山秋永

明人集繪 冊 清藍深仿李成南山...

probably done in the summer of that year and then later apparently collected together to form an album.....more

民國蕭俊賢青綠山水圖 軸

民國蕭俊賢青綠山水圖 軸

of the Four Wangs, he later studied the virtues of Song and Yuan masters to form a style of his own.....more

清吳昌碩行書中堂 軸

清吳昌碩行書中堂 軸

styles to form his own, which was exceptionally powerful and unique. The scroll here forms the central.....more

鳥譜(四) 冊 藍靛頦

鳥譜(四) 冊 藍靛頦

in monochrome ink and filled in with washes. Here, the ink captures the form of the rocks with a minimum.....more

宋緙絲芙蓉雙雁 軸

宋緙絲芙蓉雙雁 軸

together to form an exquisite range of colors. Of special note is the twisting of gold foil strands.....more

明徐渭寫生冊 冊

明徐渭寫生冊 冊

wet. Although cursively done in just a few strokes, the form and spirit of the subjects are all.....more

元黃公望畫層岩曲澗 軸

元黃公望畫層岩曲澗 軸

it are rocky crags with alum-head rocks. The middleground mountain form rises slowly with cliffs.....more

元方從義山水 冊

元方從義山水 冊

of landscape paintings and calligraphy form this album. No signatures or inscriptions appear on the works.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋燕文貴雪溪乘興

集古名繪 冊 宋燕文貴雪溪乘興

, and he became nicknamed "Master Yen the Landscapist". This scene was painted in the form of a circular.....more

明卞文瑜摹古山水 冊 倣子久筆法

明卞文瑜摹古山水 冊 倣子久筆...

by a triangular landscape form in the background beyond the river. The painting uses rounded alum-head forms.....more

元人書全部法華經塔 軸

元人書全部法華經塔 軸

except for parts left blank at the base which form the characters for "the Lotus Sûtra St.....more
