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共找到 4944 筆符合的資料
明董其昌倣宋元人縮本畫及跋 冊
,《清初四王畫派研究論文集》(上海:上海書畫出版社,1993),頁505-582。&*Wen C. Fong and James C. Y. Watt, Possessing the Past.....more
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明董其昌倣宋元人縮本畫及跋 冊...
疑〉,收入《朵雲》編輯部編,《清初四王畫派研究論文集》(上海:上海書畫出版社,1993),頁505-582。&*Wen C. Fong and James C. Y. Watt, Possessing.....more
- 3257/4944
明王紱畫鳳城餞詠 軸
,尤以墨竹名滿天下。 江天秋色,臨江小亭,三人圍桌餞飲,送客還鄉,岸邊客舟上二人準備待發。本幅的山石以荷葉皴皴寫,用筆極為老辣,畫樹點苔筆法雄健。全作墨色蒼潤,開沈周法門,別具秀潤渾厚之感。&*Wang.....more
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明沈周江山清遠圖 卷
the historian Ch’ien Hao-t’an (Ch’ien Fu), and he showed me two long handscrolls, one by Ma Yüan and one.....more
- 3261/4944
that of Wang Hsi-chih (4th century). “Jade Dew in the Heron Grove” is the title of a book written by Lo.....more
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清惲壽平寫生花卉 冊 牡丹
,墨色濃淡變化多端,韻致高雅,天機物趣躍然紙上。&* A native of Kiangsu, Yün Shou-p’ing was the leading essayist and poet.....more
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集古圖繪 冊 元倪瓚畫竹石
was of a solitary disposition. He is regarded as one of the Four Masters of the Yüan dynasty. This painting.....more
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宋人書司馬光拜左僕射告身 卷
the unpopular policies of Wang An-shih(1021-1086).However, Ssu-ma Kuang was only in office in office.....more
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明丁雲鵬白馬馱經圖 軸
年之繁細作風,而趨疏簡清逸之畫境。&*Ting Yün-p'eng was influenced by his father and came to enjoy painting. He.....more
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宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄致杜君長...
the styles of Yü Shih-nan(558-638)and Yen Chen-ch'ing(709-785)while learning from those.....more
- 3270/4944