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共找到 4944 筆符合的資料
卷名:中國大使館Chinese Embassy...
關鍵詞:行政-文書 人名資訊:Y. S. Chen、張學旦、張志輝、彭曼碩、施在敏、朱兆元、朱咸、李瑞震、林宗彩、楊勝德、楊敬之、王延恩、錢保功、錢維翔、馬傳彪 地名資訊:Ames(美國.....more
- 3196/4944
明董其昌秋林晚翠 卷
with long texture strokes and washed with ink. Though following the Yüan styles of Huang Kung-wang.....more
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清錢維城畫江閣遠帆 軸
, Kiangsu province. He received the chuang-yüan degree in 1745. He first studied flower painting.....more
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清董邦達仿倪瓚?林含秀 軸
and painting and in his landscape paintings he was a follower of Wang Yüan-ch’i. He excelled at using.....more
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明欽揖千巖萬壑圖 軸
Ch’in Chi (dates unknown) Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) Ch’in Chi, style name Yüan-yu, was a native.....more
- 3200/4944
關鍵詞:業務-物資管理、業務-貿易、業務-資源開發與管理、業務-業務合作 人名資訊:Shie-Tangtan Lou、尹仲容、H. H. Sze、P. W. Hsieh、P. Y. Wang、夏憲講.....more
- 3201/4944
卷名:尹仲容函件K. Y. Yin (Kwo-...
關鍵詞:行政-事務管理、行政-訪察、業務-宣傳與出版、業務-業務合作 人名資訊:C. S. Yang、G. H. Wang、M. B. Chow、張文潛、F. Chang、K. C. Li、T. M.....more
- 3202/4944
卷名:盧祖詒函件T. Y. Lu (Tsu-Y...
關鍵詞:人事-人事調派、會計財務-財務管理、業務-物資管理 人名資訊:K. S. Wang、T. L. Tsui、W. H. Tan、尹仲容、惲震、楊鍾健、沈嘉英、王守競、王徵、繆雲台、翁文灝、董蔚.....more
- 3203/4944
清蕭雲從臨馬和之陳風圖 冊 澤...
and thin, this painting is modeled on the work of the Sung painter Ma Ho-chih (1131-1162). Hsiao Y.....more
- 3204/4944
宋十二名家法書 冊 宋吳琚書識...
處的特色。整篇行氣,縱恣自如,自有一股瀟灑意氣。本幅選自「宋十二家法書」冊第十二幅。&*Wu Chü(style name Chü-fu; sobriquet Yün.....more
- 3206/4944
五代董源江堤晚景 軸
,且山石作披麻皴,都是董源風格的特徵。畫中綠波粼粼青山高,酒帘靜處馬蹄輕,一片春意駘蕩。本幅為張大千先生遺贈。&*Tung Yüan, a famous Southern T'ang.....more
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明陳洪綬畫隱居十六觀 冊 孤往
” (ku wang) appear in T’ao Yüan-ming’s poem Returning Home: “Embracing the fair weather I go.....more
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清陳書夏日山居圖 軸
, grasses-and-insects, landscapes, and figures. In her landscapes she followed the Yüan painter Wang.....more
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明鄭重倣王蒙葛洪移居圖 軸
, brushwork and color rendering are obviously after the style of the Yuan master Wang Meng. Though.....more
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