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共找到 17637 筆符合的資料
明仇英桐陰晝靜圖 軸
of Heaven, Earth, and Man (San-ts’ai t’u hui). The chair is reclinable with armrests and a footrest.....more
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明吳彬畫魚籃觀音 軸
with a Fishing Basket Wu Pin (fl. 1591-1643) Ming Dynasty Wu Pin, a native of P’u-t’ien, Fukien.....more
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唐盧鴻草堂十志圖 卷
composed of individual paintings preceded by poems done in the style of such calligraphers as Ch'u.....more
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of this scroll, it is recorded that Shen Hsüan-p’u asked P’eng to write this Ho-lin Yü-lu essay.....more
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明董其昌書杜甫謁玄元皇帝廟詩 ...
and Ch'u Sui-liang."The brushwork of Tung's piece is elegant and straightforward and the structure.....more
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宋人法書(一) 冊 宋趙抃致知...
,以鍾繇書風為宗,筆法結字脫盡時俗,為趙氏書中精品。本幅選自「宋人法書冊一」第十幅。&*Chao Pien(style name Yueh-tao)was a native of Ch'u-hsien.....more
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宋人法書(三) 冊 宋范成大書...
of Rites, Grand Academician in the Tz'u-cheng Hall, and Participant in Determining Government Matters. Fan.....more
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宋人集繪 冊 無款溪旁閒話
of Ch'u, written by Ch'ü Yüan (343-278 BC). After being cast out unfairly from court.....more
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清董邦達翠岩紅樹御題 軸
in the compilation of the imperial catalogue Shih-ch’u pao-chi and later served as an official.....more
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歷朝名人圖繪 冊 無款遠水揚...
leaf from the album Li-chao ming-jen t'u-hui. 本幅 21.4x52.4公分&全幅 49x75公分 TIME STAMP:23-7月 -08 繪畫 歷朝名.....more
- 8533/17637
宋十二名家法書 冊 李建中書諮
Censorate"). The work is also known as the "T'u-mu t'ieh." Although the recipient is unknown.....more
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清黃鉞繪時華紀瑞 軸
花盛開爭艷。梔子以鈎花點葉法畫成,其他均沒骨寫意。設色鮮麗而不失雅緻。 &* Huang Yüeh (1750-1841), a native of Ch’ang-t’u in Anhwei.....more
- 8535/17637