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共找到 476 筆符合的資料
清董邦達灞橋覓句 軸
in the compilation of such books as the catalogue of imperial collections, Shih-ch’ü pao-chi. Eventually.....more
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者 著者 姓名:伽梵達摩 著者 朝代:唐 著者 方式:譯 著者 類型:撰述者英文 著者 姓名:the Indian monk Bhagavaddharma 著者 朝代:Tang Dynasty 《千手.....more
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宋陳居中畫王建宮詞圖 軸
Ssu-ma chi.&*此幅描寫唐代詩人王建《宮詞》詩:「宮人早起笑相呼,不識階前掃地夫,乞與金錢爭借問,外頭還似此間無。」畫中深宮內宮娥群聚,爭相給掃地夫錢,詢問外面世界的情況,勾勒宮人在幽閉的環.....more
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唐李昭道春山行旅圖 軸
錄(卷五),第三冊,頁3-4&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁13-14&*Despite the title, this work actually portrays the Tang emperor.....more
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Publicity photo with the disci...
照片 數位化執行單位:國立交通大學圖書館 1件 Publicity photo with the disciples Tang, Hsiao-Shih, Chi, Yu, and Chien.....more
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唐書 列女傳 唐傳奇 霍小玉傳 鶯鶯傳 New Tang books Old Tang books T'ang ch'uan-chi tales 國家圖書館 20031200 期刊論文 唐毓麗.....more
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唐代 宮禁制度 唐律 唐律.衛禁律 Tang dynasty The guardian system of palace Tang code The tang code: section.....more
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Aligning Virtual Community and...
Dynamic capabilities Virtual community 國家圖書館 20110800 期刊論文 Tang, Jeung-tai Tang, Tzung-i Chiang.....more
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Farewell (Front Cover)
in person, and Chi Yu, Chien-Fu Li, Tang, Hsiao-Shih, Hsu, Ching Chun Christine, and Chien, Huai-Chi’s.....more
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tang Sheng-ma ge-gen tang Ge-gen huang-qin tang Ge-gen huang-lian huang-qin tang Ge-gen chieh-chi-tang.....more
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唐代小說 傳奇 述夢類小說 敘事模式 跨文類 Tang short stories and novels Tang Chuan-Chi Dream-narration literary works.....more
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A “Minimalist” Approach to C...
國家圖書館 19960700 期刊論文 湯廷池(Tang, Ting-chi) A “Minimalist” Approach to Contrastive Analysis of English.....more
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