搜尋:side by side


Christella acuminata (Houtt.) Lev. 毛蕨

Christella acuminata (Houtt.) ...

:Stream side 物候:Sporing 數量:Not numerous 標本採集者:Sheng-Chieh Wu (吳聖傑), ....et al. 採集號:1400 英文 中文 087337 .....more

Sesuvium portulacastrum (L.) L. 海馬齒

Sesuvium portulacastrum (L.) L...

.) L. 海馬齒 標本採集地點:Tsengwen Chi(曾文溪)溪口, Tainan County(臺南縣), Taiwan(台灣) 生育地環境:River side 物候:Flowering 標.....more

Morus australis Poir. 小葉桑

Morus australis Poir. 小葉桑

沙, Kaohsiung County(高雄縣), Taiwan(台灣) 生育地環境:River side, Sand soil 物候:Fruiting 標本採集者:Chuan-Kuei Liao.....more

Smilax menispermoidea A. DC. subsp. randaiensis (Hayata) T. Koyama 巒大菝契

Smilax menispermoidea A. DC. s...

), Nantou County(南投縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2500-2900 M 生育地環境:Lake side, Abies-Tsuga forest, Edge zone of forest.....more

Polygonum hastatosagittatum Makino 長箭葉蓼

Polygonum hastatosagittatum Ma...

:200-250 M 生育地環境:Lake Side, Seondary vegetation, Loam soil, Middle humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering.....more

Polygonum longisetum De Bruyn 睫穗蓼

Polygonum longisetum De Bruyn ...

標本採集地點:Hsiaokotou(小格頭)-翡翠水庫旁, Taipei County(臺北縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:200-250 M 生育地環境:Lake Side, Secondary.....more

Champereia manillana (Blume) Merr. 山柚

Champereia manillana (Blume) M...

(Blume) Merr. 山柚 標本採集地點:Anshuoh(安朔), Taitung County(臺東縣), Taiwan(台灣) 生育地環境:River side 物候:Fruiting 標本採集者.....more

Rumex acetosella L. 小酸模

Rumex acetosella L. 小酸模

), Nantou County(南投縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2100 M 生育地環境:Deforested area, Road/path side 物候:Flowering 備註:林源地林道.....more

Smilax arisanensis Hayata 阿里山菝契

Smilax arisanensis Hayata 阿里...

:Meifeng(梅峰), Nantou County(南投縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2100 M 生育地環境:Bamboo forest, Road/path side 物候:Fruiting.....more

Smilax arisanensis Hayata 阿里山菝契

Smilax arisanensis Hayata 阿里...

:Meifeng(梅峰), Nantou County(南投縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2100 M 生育地環境:Bamboo forest, Road/path side 物候:Fruiting.....more

Smilax menispermoidea A. DC. subsp. randaiensis (Hayata) T. Koyama 巒大菝契

Smilax menispermoidea A. DC. s...

), Nantou County(南投縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2500-2900 M 生育地環境:Lake side, Abies-Tsuga forest, Edge zone of forest.....more

Pilea plataniflora C. H. Wright 西南冷水麻

Pilea plataniflora C. H. Wrigh...

, Fagaceous-Lauraceous forest, Road/path side, Loamy soil, Middle humidity, Slightly shaded 物候.....more

Smilax elongato-umbellata Hayata 細葉菝契

Smilax elongato-umbellata Haya...

, Secondary vegetation, Road/path side, Loam soil, Low humidity, Slightly shaded 物候:Flowerint & Friting.....more

Polygonum chinense L. 火炭母草

Polygonum chinense L. 火炭母草...

vegetation, Road/path side, Loam soil, Middle humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering & Fruiting 數量:Not numerous 備註.....more

Polygonum posumbu Buch.-Ham. ex Don 花蓼

Polygonum posumbu Buch.-Ham. e...

, Fagaceous-Lauraceous forest, Road/path side, Loam soil, Middle humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering.....more
