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共找到 57 筆符合的資料
清鄒一桂?宋苑畫榴下雄雞圖 軸
. From Wu-hsi in Kiangsu, Tsou I-kuei used the style name Yüan-pao and the sobriquets Hsiao-shan.....more
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清王武倣元人溪亭對菊圖 軸
of the last emperor of the Ming, and died in 1690, the twenty-ninth year of the K’ang-hsi period of the Ch.....more
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清王學浩山水畫冊 冊
。 &* Wang Hsüeh-hao (style name Meng-yang, sobriquet Chiao-hsi) was a native of K’un-shan.....more
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清鄒一桂畫藤花芍藥 軸
’ing, and Erh-chih lao-jen) was a native of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu. He received his chin-shih civil service.....more
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清鄒一桂畫梨花夜月 軸
-kuei (style name Yüan-pao; sobriquets ‘Little Mountain’ and Jang-ch’ing) was a native of Wu-hsi.....more
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清郎世寧萬壽長春 軸
to the attention of the court and he served under three emperors (Yung-cheng, K'ang-hsi, and Ch’ien.....more
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明王守仁山水畫真跡 軸
,也直接的呼應出作者的希望。七行行草書題款,寫得自由在自在,書法的風格則是以王羲之的「聖教序」為主,瘦勁而具骨氣。本幅為張學良將軍捐贈。&*Wang Shou-jen (also known.....more
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王守仁 江西 文人領軍 儒將 南贛巡撫 寧王宸濠 Wang, Shou-jen Chiang-hsi Troops commanded by civil officers Confucian.....more
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東歐 共產國家 民主改革 國家圖書館 19980600 期刊論文 陳壽熙(Chen, Shou-hsi) 東歐共產國家民主改革之探研(5) 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:中正嶺學術研究集刊 卷期.....more
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Idiopathic Hypertrophic Pachym...
-yu Chang,Yung-yee Kao,Yi-fen Wu,Hsiu-shan Chen,Wei-hsi Liu,Jia-shou Idiopathic Hypertrophic.....more
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