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共找到 293 筆符合的資料
卷名:華昌貿易公司信函Wah Chang...
. Li#}之信函影本及正本並請於事後將該影本及正本寄還及{#吳志翔#}函覆寄還該信件,{#吳志翔#}函{#K.C. Li#}願意參加二月七日在Port Arthur餐廳舉行之晚宴,{#言穆賓#}函華.....more
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明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 結夏
(active 1573-1619) Ming dynasty Wu Pin was famous as a calligrapher and painter during the Wan-li era.....more
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明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...
塵、六根、六識、七大。本幅畫持地菩薩之圓通,即七大中之地大也。其畫馬如同人物,亦賦予奇異之造形,別有古拙之趣。 本幅為畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像之第十八幅。&*Virudhaka Wu Pin (fl.....more
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明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 登高
。 &*A Record of Yearly Obsevances Ascending the Heights Wu Pin (active 1573-1619) Ming Dynasty Wu Pin, style.....more
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明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 玩月
-autumn Moon Wu Pin (fl. 1591-1643) Ming Dynasty Wu Pin, style name Wen-chung, was a native of Pu-t.....more
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明仇英群仙會祝圖 軸
to discard their possessions. "Crutches" Li threw in his cane, Han Fei-tzu his flower basket, Lu Tung-pin.....more
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清王澍書積書巖帖(二) 冊
calligraphy, in the spirit of seal script studies.” Wang’s seal script derives from Li Yangbing’s.....more
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明吳彬畫魚籃觀音 軸
Basket Wu Pin (fl. 1568-1627) Ming Dynasty Wu Pin was a native of Fukien who settled in Nanking. He.....more
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明吳彬畫十八應真 卷
化,神情栩栩如生。根據幅上題款,此作成於崇禎癸未(西元一六四三)年。 &*Eighteen Lohans Wu Pin (fl. 1568-1627) Ming Dynasty Wu Pin.....more
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