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共找到 168 筆符合的資料
清王翬瀟湘聽雨圖 軸
王翬已七十五歲,畫技精熟,無贅筆。 &* Wang Hui, style name Shih-ku, sobriquets Keng-yen san-jen, Wu-mu shan-jen.....more
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清弘?畫千林瑞雪 軸
之感。 &* Active during the reign of the Ch’ien-lung Emperor, Hung Wu (hsing Ku-shan-pei-tzu; tzu Shu.....more
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清王翬蛟門曉發圖 軸
Hui (style name Shih-ku, sobriquet Ch’ ű-chiao, Keng-yen San-jen, Wu-mu-Shan-jen,) was from Ch’ang.....more
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清王翬倣王蒙夏山讀書圖 軸
屋宇,是石谷本色。澗水緣坡而下,中多碎石,奔湍轉壑,髣髴有聲,是此中勝處。康熙甲戍(西元一六九四年),作者六十三歲。 &* Wang Hui (tzu Shih-ku, hao Keng-yen.....more
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名人畫扇貳冊 (上) 冊 清蔣廷...
Hsi-ku and Nan-sha) was a native of Ch’ang-shu, Kiangsu. He served as Grand Secretary in the Wen-hua.....more
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清李世倬雜畫 冊 鍾馗
為「只見福來」的吉祥語。是以明、清畫家每畫鍾馗,多喜附以蝙蝠。 &* Li Shih-chuo (style name T’ien-chang and sobriquets Ku-chai, L.....more
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明陳洪綬畫隱居十六觀 冊 孤往
苦之心。 &*Solitary Ambling Ch’en Hung-shou (1599-1652) Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) A recluse wearing a cap.....more
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名人便面畫冊 冊 清李世倬梅竹...
,自有一派雅潔的情味洋溢楮素間。 &* Li Shih-chuo (style names T’ien-chang and Han-chang; sobriquets Ku-chai, Shih.....more
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集珍壽古 冊 元王振鵬飛閣觀潮
(ruled line) paintings, and gave him the sobriquet Ku-yun ch'u-shih. In his use of brush and ink.....more
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清鄒元斗花卉 冊 梅
, hao Ch’un-ku and Lin-wu shan-jen) was active during the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). He.....more
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