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YT_002_0050, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0050, Yeshe Tupden on t...

and effect/因果; yin log min log/opposite from being and not being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities.....more

YT_002_0055, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0055, Yeshe Tupden on t...

and effect/因果; yin log min log/opposite from being and not being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities.....more

YT_002_0057, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0057, Yeshe Tupden on t...

and effect/因果; yin log min log/opposite from being and not being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities.....more

YT_002_0058, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0058, Yeshe Tupden on t...

and effect/因果; yin log min log/opposite from being and not being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities.....more

YT_002_0061, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0061, Yeshe Tupden on t...

and effect/因果; yin log min log/opposite from being and not being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities.....more

YT_002_0053, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0053, Yeshe Tupden on t...

and effect/因果; yin log min log/opposite from being and not being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities.....more

YT_002_0054, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0054, Yeshe Tupden on t...

and effect/因果; yin log min log/opposite from being and not being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities.....more

YT_002_0056, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0056, Yeshe Tupden on t...

and effect/因果; yin log min log/opposite from being and not being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities.....more

YT_002_0059, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0059, Yeshe Tupden on t...

and effect/因果; yin log min log/opposite from being and not being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities.....more

YT_002_0060, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0060, Yeshe Tupden on t...

and effect/因果; yin log min log/opposite from being and not being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities.....more

YT_002_0062, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0062, Yeshe Tupden on t...

and effect/因果; yin log min log/opposite from being and not being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities.....more

YT_002_0063, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0063, Yeshe Tupden on t...

and effect/因果; yin log min log/opposite from being and not being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities.....more

清王原祁畫中有詩圖 軸

清王原祁畫中有詩圖 軸

、吳歷等來訪,而吳歷不至王所已二十年。佳節相逢,與會可想,因作此圖。筆墨精妍,設色雅澹,滿紙韶秀之氣,異於他作。氣機之間,大與墨井相近。是鷺臺經構。 &*Wang Yűan-ch’i, style.....more

清王原祁?浮遠岫圖 軸

清王原祁?浮遠岫圖 軸

,年六十四即奉詔,纂輯佩文齋書畫譜。另又主持「萬壽盛典圖」之製作。 &*Floating Mist and Distant Mountains Wang Yűan-ch’i (1642-1715.....more

明董其昌書斯干之什 軸

明董其昌書斯干之什 軸

-七八二年)書風,結字端凝,布字行間略呈傾側,筆墨醇厚,勁力內蘊,皆自徐出,然清逸秀整之氣韻,則有過之。&*Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (style name was Hsü.....more

第 7 頁
共 31 頁