搜尋:coat 在 書畫 分類當中


歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款乳鴨

歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款乳鴨

, and the rendering of the duckling is so delicate that every feather of its downy coat seems clearly.....more

清郎世寧十駿犬茹黃豹 軸

清郎世寧十駿犬茹黃豹 軸

coat is gorgeous, and his appearance most lifelike. 本幅 247.5x163.7公分&全幅 203.6公分 TIME STAMP:04-7月 .....more

明錢穀畫南城看雪 軸

明錢穀畫南城看雪 軸

the cold, and a man in a vermillion coat leans against a hedge, observing the snowy scene. The waters.....more

明戴進山水圖 軸

明戴進山水圖 軸

with frigid trees over a stream winding down from a valley. A fisherman in a reed coat sits.....more

元劉貫道畫元世祖出獵圖 軸

元劉貫道畫元世祖出獵圖 軸

. The one sitting on a dark horse and wearing a white coat is most likely the famous Mongol.....more

元劉貫道畫元世祖出獵圖 軸

元劉貫道畫元世祖出獵圖 軸

. The one sitting on a dark horse and wearing a white coat is most likely the famous Mongol.....more

元高克恭林巒?雨圖 軸

元高克恭林巒?雨圖 軸

mists swirl around. A boatman wearing a hemp rain coat is about to moor his vessel on the shore.....more

宋元名繪 冊 宋李迪畫貍奴小影

宋元名繪 冊 宋李迪畫貍奴小影

further artist has first dabbed the mottled coat and then meticulously outlined those areas in white.....more

宋劉松年畫羅漢 軸

宋劉松年畫羅漢 軸

with a long staff, who collects them in his coat. Two deer stand tamely at his feet.....more

五代人雪漁圖 軸

五代人雪漁圖 軸

against the cold. His bamboo hat and straw coat are covered with snowflakes to suggest bone-chilling.....more


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