搜尋:brush work


明謝時臣四皓 軸

明謝時臣四皓 軸

of the Che School This work is an idealized depiction of 4 elderly recluses.....more

明朱先草蟲 軸

明朱先草蟲 軸

, but did not use precise brushwork. He often used a reed or a stalk of wheat as his brush. Nonetheless.....more

清孫祜秋山樓閣 軸

清孫祜秋山樓閣 軸

, the viewer of this painting may ramble at will or rest. The use of the brush and ink is firm.....more

宋人竹石鳩子圖 軸

宋人竹石鳩子圖 軸

. The ink work of this large scroll conveys at once a sense of unbending strength and gentle simplicity.....more

明沈周寫生 冊 萱

明沈周寫生 冊 萱

, giving this work much of the brush manner of calligraphy. The brushwork throughout ranges.....more

清王翬畫溪山紅樹 軸

清王翬畫溪山紅樹 軸

and modern brush styles, and his painting style comprised the tradition of both northern and southern.....more

清王原祁雲壑流泉圖 軸

清王原祁雲壑流泉圖 軸

of dry and rubbed brush style. Bland ink and roasted ink are juxtaposed in layers to add depth.....more

明劉炤蘆雁圖 軸

明劉炤蘆雁圖 軸

Liang (fl. latter half of 15th c.), whose brush and ink was free and unrestrained. Lü Chi (fl.....more

元人春山圖 軸

元人春山圖 軸

, the movement of the brush is vigorous and strong. The lines defining the buildings are strong.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋李唐大江浮玉

集古名繪 冊 宋李唐大江浮玉

. The use of brush and ink is similar to those in Kuo Hsi's Early Spring, while the spacious.....more

明沈周畫韓愈畫記 卷

明沈周畫韓愈畫記 卷

Masters. This scroll depicts a horse-and-cart scene of figures in a landscape. This work bears.....more

清蔣廷錫山羊圖 軸

清蔣廷錫山羊圖 軸

. The range of colors is opulent and all-encompassing, and the use of brush fine and detailed; the rendering.....more

清郎世寧畫青羊 軸

清郎世寧畫青羊 軸

command of the brush. The style of the mountains and rocks also represents that current among court.....more

清翁同龢隸書五言聯 軸

清翁同龢隸書五言聯 軸

is on the brush power and its connections, achieving resonance to and fro. This work was donated.....more

明董其昌倣黃公望山水 卷

明董其昌倣黃公望山水 卷

Mountains” in 1596, and this work reveals similarities to it in terms of composition. On the foundation.....more
