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共找到 166 筆符合的資料
歷朝畫幅集冊 冊 宋馬麟暗香疏...
影掩映,自右向左斜出,轉折角度細膩優雅,背景空無一物。水面倒映梅枝與竹葉,亦隱約可見白色花苞與綠色花萼。不畫月卻表現月下梅影,份外清雅。(20101015)&* This work.....more
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清惲壽平竹石枯槎圖 軸
bright but not gaudy, yielding a feeling of purity and freshness. This work shows the slender bamboo.....more
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明李士達寒林鍾馗 軸
the approach of spring. In addition to the green bamboo leaves, the four magpies following them heighten.....more
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清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清盛丹...
of Huang Gongwang and also excelled at depicting flowers, orchids, and bamboo. This work bears.....more
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元黃公望畫層岩曲澗 軸
of the valley to the left is a bamboo grove with several water kiosks, the majestic mountain in the upper.....more
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明邵彌畫山水人物 冊 溪岸竹樹
in this work consists only of stalks of bamboo that shoot up from behind the rock and of a bushy cypress.....more
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元郭畀寫高使君意 軸
bamboo, trees, and rocks. Tall pines stand on the rocky slope of a stream and in the cloud-wrapped.....more
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