搜尋:ba la


YT_002_0057, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0057, Yeshe Tupden on t...

Sect:dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯 Genre:Portion of a Critical Analysis with oral commentary.....more

YT_002_0058, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0058, Yeshe Tupden on t...

Sect:dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯 Genre:Portion of a Critical Analysis with oral commentary.....more

YT_002_0061, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0061, Yeshe Tupden on t...

Sect:dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯 Genre:Portion of a Critical Analysis with oral commentary.....more

YT_002_0053, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0053, Yeshe Tupden on t...

Sect:dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯 Genre:Portion of a Critical Analysis with oral commentary.....more

YT_002_0054, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0054, Yeshe Tupden on t...

Sect:dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯 Genre:Portion of a Critical Analysis with oral commentary.....more

YT_002_0056, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0056, Yeshe Tupden on t...

Sect:dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯 Genre:Portion of a Critical Analysis with oral commentary.....more

YT_002_0059, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0059, Yeshe Tupden on t...

Sect:dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯 Genre:Portion of a Critical Analysis with oral commentary.....more

YT_002_0060, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0060, Yeshe Tupden on t...

Sect:dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯 Genre:Portion of a Critical Analysis with oral commentary.....more

YT_002_0062, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0062, Yeshe Tupden on t...

Sect:dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯 Genre:Portion of a Critical Analysis with oral commentary.....more

YT_002_0063, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0063, Yeshe Tupden on t...

Sect:dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯 Genre:Portion of a Critical Analysis with oral commentary.....more


滿文:yoga i oyonggo be ooho an...

fulehun baling bure kooli durun 漢文:瑜伽集要焰口施食儀 藏文:rgyu thams cad la nye bar mkho ba yi.....more


滿文:fucihi nomulaha hafu sure...

be mayambure toktobun tarni nomun 漢文:佛說智光滅一切業障陀羅尼經 藏文:'phags pa ye shes ta la la zhes bya ba 'gro ba.....more


德格版:No. 848 phags-pa ye-es ...

Ḥphags-pa ye-śes ta-la-la shes-bya-baḥi gzuṅs ḥgro-ba thams-cad yoṅs-su sbyoṅ.....more


德格版:No. 522 phags-pa ye-es ...

Ḥphags-pa ye-śes ta-la-la shes-bya-baḥi gzuṅs ḥgro-ba thams-cad yoṅs-su.....more


德格版:No. 1123 Sku gsum-la bs...

-khrims rgyal-ba 中華電子佛典協會(CBETA) 德格版:No. 1123 Sku gsum-la bstod-pa shes-bya-ba 中文經題:三身讚 梵文經題.....more
