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裂葉美人櫻 (TAIM-H004426)
-H004426) 學名:Verbena tenera Spreng. 採集地點:臺大校園 採集地點英文名:N.T.U.Campus 採集地經度:121°32'0"E 採集地緯度:25°00'0" N.....more
- 16156/50000
Melampyrum lineare Desr. (TAI...
Road 64013 (Weaver Mill Road) and ca. 1.5km N of Pondermill Nature Reserve; sandy' open area.....more
- 16157/50000
Castanopsis kusanoi Hayata 細...
-29'ESE); 487(8-30'ESE); 489(8-32'NNE); 490(8-33'N). 標本採集者:Hsuna-Wu Chen (陳玄武) 採集號:s. n. 英文 中文.....more
- 16158/50000
Castanopsis kusanoi Hayata 細...
) 海拔:1195-1235 M 物候:Vegetative 備註:採集號(吊牌號'坡向); 511(8-54'W); 513(8-56'NNE); 514(8-57'N); 515(8-58'NW.....more
- 16159/50000
Castanopsis kusanoi Hayata 細...
-895 M 物候:Vegetative 備註:採集號(吊牌號'坡向); 492(8-35'WSW); 493(8-36'WNW); 495(8-38'N); 496(8-39'W); 498(8.....more
- 16160/50000
Ctenitis transmorrisonensis (H...
and km post 18. Ranging from ca. N 24°07'17.2"' E 121°16'09.8" and N 24°06'24.5"' E 121°11'55.8". Near.....more
- 16161/50000
Asplenium ensiforme Wall. ex H...
and km post 18. Ranging from ca. N 24°07'17.2"' E 121°16'09.8" and N 24°06'24.5"' E 121°11'55.8". 標本採集者.....more
- 16162/50000
Polystichum parvipinnulum Taga...
. Ranging from ca. N 24°07'17.2"' E 121°16'09.8" and N 24°06'24.5"' E 121°11'55.8". Near km 18. 標本採集者:Tom.....more
- 16163/50000
Woodsia polystichoides Eaton ...
. N 24°07'17.2"' E 121°16'09.8" and N 24°06'24.5"' E 121°11'55.8". 標本採集者:Tom A. Ranker' Jennifer M.....more
- 16164/50000
Asplenium trichomanes L. 鐵角...
:Sporing 備註:Along provincial Rd. #14A between km post 29 and km post 18. Ranging from ca. N 24°07'17.....more
- 16165/50000
三角葉西番蓮 (TAIM-H003520)
三角葉西番蓮 (TAIM-H003520) 學名:Passiflora suberosa L. 採集地點:臺大校園 採集地點英文名:N.T.U.Campus 採集地經度:121°32'0"E 採集地緯.....more
- 16166/50000
中國黃花柳 (TAIM-H004492)
. 採集地點: The oligotrophic' mesohumic lake Suomunjarvi.Northern basin' N shore. 採集地經度:37?47'E 採集地緯度:63.....more
- 16167/50000
中國黃花柳 (TAIM-H004493)
. 採集地點:Kb/PK. Lieksa. The oligetrophic' mesohumic lake uomujarvi' Northern basin' N shore. 採集地經度:37?47.....more
- 16168/50000
Lysimachia quadrifolia L. (TA...
Mill Road) and ca. 1.5km N of Pondermill Nature Reserve; sandy' open area with Ouercus alba overstory.....more
- 16169/50000
小酸模 (TAIM-H004660)
L. 採集地點:Shaly Dctcrop along PA Hwy 381 along N side of PA State Expeimental Farm fields and ca. 1.5.....more
- 16170/50000