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拉丁學名:Barbilophozia barbat...
集地: 採集地經度:89°18 W 採集地緯度:48°11 N 棲地其他描述:At base of vertical face of large basaltic talus boulder.....more
- 10831/50000
拉丁學名:Sphagnum capillifoli...
Stutsmanville Bog 採集地經度:85°00' W 採集地緯度:45°30' N 棲地其他描述:Stutsmanville Bog, about 0.5 miles southeast.....more
- 10832/50000
拉丁學名:Plagiochila asplenio...
波伊根 採集地經度:84°41' W 採集地緯度:45°32' N 棲地其他描述:Reeses Bog, at the north end of Burt Lake, in Thuja swamp.....more
- 10833/50000
拉丁學名:Sphagnum girgensohni...
度:84°41' W 採集地緯度:45°32' N 棲地其他描述:Thuja swamp at Hermits Clearing, west end of Reeses Bog, north.....more
- 10834/50000
拉丁學名:Thuidium recognitum ...
經度:84°41' W 採集地緯度:45°32' N 棲地其他描述:Reeses Bog, at the north end of Burt Lake, in Thuja swamp. 原編目號.....more
- 10835/50000
拉丁學名:Trichocolea tomentel...
伊根 採集地經度:84°41' W 採集地緯度:45°32' N 棲地其他描述:Reeses Bog, at the north end of Burt Lake, in Thuja swamp. 原.....more
- 10836/50000
拉丁學名:Barbilophozia lycopo...
拉丁門名:BRYOPHYTA 中文門名:苔蘚植物門 拉丁科名:Lophoziaceae 中文科名:裂葉苔科 拉丁屬名:Barbilophozia 中文屬名:細裂瓣苔屬 國立臺灣博物館(http://.....more
- 10837/50000
拉丁學名:Dicranum polysetum S...
:90°18' W 採集地緯度:47°40' N 棲地其他描述:Northwest shore of Lake Superior, Fall Creek crossing of Hwy 61.....more
- 10838/50000
拉丁學名:Sphagnum centrale C....
州 採集地經度:94-32' W 採集地緯度:48-20' N 棲地其他描述:Red Lake Peatland. 12.2 miles North of Tamarac River crossing.....more
- 10839/50000
拉丁學名:Sphagnum lindbergii ...
省福麥木瑞 採集地經度:110°51' W 採集地緯度:57°11' N 採集地海拔:1880 feet elev. 棲地其他描述:Ombrotrophic to extremely poor fen.....more
- 10840/50000
拉丁學名:Sphagnum recurvum P....
. 中文名稱:喙葉泥炭蘚 採集地:美國明尼蘇達州伊塔斯卡激流市鹿湖 採集地經度:93°40' W 採集地緯度:47°21' N 採集地海拔:Alt. 1325m 棲地其他描述:In swampy.....more
- 10841/50000
拉丁學名:Polytrichum pallidis...
地:美國明尼蘇達州伊塔斯卡激流市鹿湖 採集地經度:93°40' W 採集地緯度:47°21' N 棲地其他描述:In large hummocks on decaying log in dense.....more
- 10842/50000
拉丁學名:Thuidium delicatulum...
維拉帕斯省Purulha的沼澤區 採集地經度:90°18' W 採集地緯度:15°06' N 採集地海拔:Alt. Ca. 1700m. 棲地其他描述:Marshy meadow at edge.....more
- 10843/50000
拉丁學名:Bartramia polytricho...
國拉巴斯省安科烏馬山 採集地經度:68°34' W 採集地緯度:15°51' S 採集地海拔:4150 m. 棲地其他描述:Seepy cliffs, Nevado Jankho Uma, above.....more
- 10844/50000
拉丁學名:Sphagnum magellanicu...
湖 採集地經度:93°40' W 採集地緯度:47°21' N 採集地海拔:Alt. 1325m 棲地其他描述:Forming mounds in water. Swampy woods on N.....more
- 10845/50000