



通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 攝製地點:Ther. 56 內容摘要說明:Baro. 30-18. At 11 a.m. I spoke in Mr. Maxell's Church. Read Ps.....more

宋蕭照畫山腰樓觀 軸

宋蕭照畫山腰樓觀 軸

, he abandoned his life of banditry and became Li's student. In 1131, Hsiao entered.....more

元俞和臨定武褉帖 冊

元俞和臨定武褉帖 冊

to emulate his running and cursive scripts. Later collectors signed Chao's name to Yu's works, thus confusing.....more

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蘇軾書次韻秦太虛見戲耳聾詩 

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蘇軾書次韻秦...

, Sichuan, was a master of poetry, painting, and calligraphy. In the latter he studied Wang Xizhi’s.....more

YT_002_0003, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0003, Yeshe Tupden on t...

SubjectMatter:Introduction to dGe-Dun-Grub's extensive commentary on Dharmakirti's Commentary.....more

YT_002_0006, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0006, Yeshe Tupden on t...

SubjectMatter:Introduction to dGe-Dun-Grub's extensive commentary on Dharmakirti's Commentary.....more

YT_002_0004, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0004, Yeshe Tupden on t...

SubjectMatter:Introduction to dGe-Dun-Grub's extensive commentary on Dharmakirti's Commentary.....more

YT_002_0001, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0001, Yeshe Tupden on t...

SubjectMatter:Introduction to dGe-Dun-Grub's extensive commentary on Dharmakirti's Commentary.....more

YT_002_0002, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0002, Yeshe Tupden on t...

SubjectMatter:Introduction to dGe-Dun-Grub's extensive commentary on Dharmakirti's Commentary.....more

YT_002_0005, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0005, Yeshe Tupden on t...

SubjectMatter:Introduction to dGe-Dun-Grub's extensive commentary on Dharmakirti's Commentary.....more

YT_002_0007, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0007, Yeshe Tupden on t...

SubjectMatter:Introduction to dGe-Dun-Grub's extensive commentary on Dharmakirti's Commentary.....more

YT_002_0011, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0011, Yeshe Tupden on t...

SubjectMatter:Introduction to dGe-Dun-Grub's extensive commentary on Dharmakirti's Commentary.....more

YT_002_0013, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0013, Yeshe Tupden on t...

SubjectMatter:Introduction to dGe-Dun-Grub's extensive commentary on Dharmakirti's Commentary.....more

YT_002_0014, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0014, Yeshe Tupden on t...

SubjectMatter:Introduction to dGe-Dun-Grub's extensive commentary on Dharmakirti's Commentary.....more

YT_002_0015, Yeshe Tupden on the Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad mai bstan bcos chen moi rigs pai rgyan)

YT_002_0015, Yeshe Tupden on t...

SubjectMatter:Introduction to dGe-Dun-Grub's extensive commentary on Dharmakirti's Commentary.....more
