搜尋:side by side 在 繪畫 分類當中


清冷枚耕織圖 冊 持穗

清冷枚耕織圖 冊 持穗

of straw are arranged into piles to form haystacks. Above to the side is a squatting figure holding.....more

五代周文矩水榭看鳧 冊頁

五代周文矩水榭看鳧 冊頁

are in the shape of ju-i scepters. To the other side is a square table with one side that has.....more

宋元名繪 冊 宋人溪陰浴牧

宋元名繪 冊 宋人溪陰浴牧

幅為「宋元名繪」冊第一幅,無作者款印,其筆法與畫風均和閻次平相近,當出自南宋畫家之手。 By the side of a stream, three different trees.....more

歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款乳鴨

歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款乳鴨

composition, the artist has depicted a tiny duckling looking out from the side of the path bearing.....more

元黃公望天池石壁圖 軸

元黃公望天池石壁圖 軸

side of the range, while on the other side, a bank of mist eclipses the base.....more

清張若澄笠亭嵐靄 軸

清張若澄笠亭嵐靄 軸

into the stream. On this side, an old tree writhes up strangely and on the far side, rugged rocks pile.....more

明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊 箕子

明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊 箕...

for administering a country. Here, King Wu is seated in the center of a hall with Chi-tzu by his side.....more

名繪集珍 冊  唐戴嵩乳牛圖

名繪集珍 冊  唐戴嵩乳牛圖

side of the painting is the inscription "Cow and Calf by Tai Sung", above which is a seal of the .....more

名繪集珍 冊 宋閻次平松磴精廬

名繪集珍 冊 宋閻次平松磴精廬

side of the composition, one may observe the artist's signature in standard script on a rock.....more

舊畫扇面 冊 明孔貞一東坡朝雲

舊畫扇面 冊 明孔貞一東坡朝雲

approaches from one side; the other side of the painting is filled with a rocky outcrop from which.....more

宋元名繪 冊 元人畫招涼仕女

宋元名繪 冊 元人畫招涼仕女

」、「松雪齋」半印二,據此,部分學者認為此幅可能是趙孟頫摹古之作。&*Hair delicately coifed to one side, a lady gowned in a vermilion.....more

明戴進撫松觀瀑 軸

明戴進撫松觀瀑 軸

over a pine holding a fan, a scholar watches as water flows by. An attendant stands by his side.....more

明人畫扇(亨) 冊 明陸治寫支硎山

明人畫扇(亨) 冊 明陸治寫支...

in light clouds and mist. Compositionally, the right side of the painting is crowded and the left side.....more

宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 軸

宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 軸

while the Eight Deva Kings line up in two files to the side. A moustache can be seen on Kuan-yin's.....more

宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 軸

宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 軸

while the Eight Deva Kings line up in two files to the side. A moustache can be seen on Kuan-yin's.....more

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side by side 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋