搜尋:rock by form 在 繪畫 分類當中


清諸升畫竹 軸

清諸升畫竹 軸

in an orderly arrangement. Grasses below the rock bend in the breeze to form a balance of stillness.....more

明商喜寫生 軸

明商喜寫生 軸

the form. At the edge of the work are a decorative rock with camellia blossoms and bamboo, and above.....more

歷代名繪 冊 宋燕肅山居圖

歷代名繪 冊 宋燕肅山居圖

by the railing. To the left of the huts a rock cliff rises abruptly to form an unbroken screen across the scene.....more

宋人集繪 冊 無款周處擊蛟圖

宋人集繪 冊 無款周處擊蛟圖

with a muscular stature as he grinds and sharpens his sword on a rock by the water’s edge.....more

清張若澄笠亭嵐靄 軸

清張若澄笠亭嵐靄 軸

, a river flows down diagonally form right to left and narrows as rocks from both shores protrudes.....more

明吳偉畫劉海蟾 軸

明吳偉畫劉海蟾 軸

on a rock. In the lower corner is the three-legged toad with which he is often associated. The toad.....more

明文徵明蕉池積雪 軸

明文徵明蕉池積雪 軸

. This painting portrays a banana plant and a rock in a pot. Inscriptions on the painting.....more

宋緙絲芙蓉雙雁 軸

宋緙絲芙蓉雙雁 軸

wings, the forms of the motifs simple yet natural. Beside them are a lake rock, hibiscus, and reeds.....more

宋人十八學士圖 軸

宋人十八學士圖 軸

by an attendant is typical Chia-ching form of the Ming. The other objects are also so, despite recording.....more

明陸治天池石壁 軸

明陸治天池石壁 軸

for strange rock formations and precipitous cliffs. The mountain top is similar in shape to a lotus.....more

明史文玉蟾圖 軸

明史文玉蟾圖 軸

and resilience of steel. The large axe-cut texture strokes of the foreground rock are precise.....more

明孫克弘畫盆蘭 軸

明孫克弘畫盆蘭 軸

with an ornamental rock in a cauldron-shaped vessel, the width of which almost reaches both sides.....more

明陳洪綬蓮池應化圖 軸

明陳洪綬蓮池應化圖 軸

also unparalleled. Three Buddhist monks proceed in front of a tall perforated garden rock.....more

宋劉松年西園雅集 卷

宋劉松年西園雅集 卷

took their activities and illustrated them as a form of appreciation or commemoration. The theme.....more
