搜尋:pounce 在 繪畫 分類當中


無名氏畫虎馬鬥圖 軸

無名氏畫虎馬鬥圖 軸

能亦為明人院画。&*A fierce tiger is about to pounce on an angry horse in this unusal painting. Stylistically.....more

元人畫虎 軸

元人畫虎 軸

, it seems ready to pounce at any second. The snarl on it's face seems to convey an almost audible growl.....more

明人便面集錦 冊 明朱朗秋柳鳴蟬

明人便面集錦 冊 明朱朗秋柳鳴...

it is about to pounce. This work in the format of a folding fan was done entirely in ink, and the brushwork.....more


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