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共找到 30 筆符合的資料
明陸遠摹古 冊 清溪橫涉
. Executed in careful detail, the painting exudes the radiant air of spring. There were two painters.....more
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明鄭石畫芙蓉白鷺 軸
provided sinecures for court painters. He was skilled in bird-and-flower painting, and he derived his.....more
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清蔣廷錫畫歲朝圖 軸
奇石 年節 柿 花器 牡丹 靈芝 水仙 國立故宮博物院 故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁99&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁43-44&* 蔣廷錫(西元一六六九-一七三二年),江蘇常熟人。字揚孫,號酉.....more
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清陳書出海大士像 軸
excelled at landscape, figure, and bird-and-flower painting. This work represents Kuan-yin sitting.....more
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明呂紀畫草花野禽 軸
sinecures for painters. &* 呂紀(活動於西元一四七七-一四九七年間),浙江鄞縣人。字廷振,號樂愚,一作樂漁。花鳥初學邊文進,後摹唐宋諸名家筆,始臻其妙。弘治(西元一四八八-一五○五年.....more
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五代南唐徐熙花卉草蟲 卷
painters as the originators of the "outlined method" and the "boneless(wash) method" of bird.....more
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藝苑藏真(下) 冊 宋林椿山茶...
in the Chunxi reign (1174-1189) of the Southern Song emperor Xiaozong, specializing in bird-and-flower.....more
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名賢妙蹟 冊 宋馬遠倚雲仙杏
, and bird-and-flower painting, and from a family of accomplished painters; his father, grandfather, and son.....more
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宋錢選蘭亭觀鵝圖 卷
Talents of Wu-hsing, a group of early Yüan Dynasty painters. He received the chin-shih degree.....more
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明呂紀寒雪山雞圖 軸
, a military unit that also provided sinecures for court painters. In bird-and-flower.....more
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