搜尋:favor 在 繪畫 分類當中


明唐寅畫班姬團扇 軸

明唐寅畫班姬團扇 軸

. In lament, she compared her fall from favor to the neglect of a fan put away into storage.....more

明關思白雲紅樹 軸

明關思白雲紅樹 軸

eschewed ink in favor of colors--umber, vermilion, yellow, blue-green, and so on--applying them directly.....more

明戴進扁舟訪客 軸

明戴進扁舟訪客 軸

entered the court as an artist, but did not find favor and so returned home. His style follows the Ma.....more

宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋蔡京書尺牘 

宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋蔡京書尺牘...

, when Ch'in-tsung assumed the throne in 1126, he lost favor and was banished to Heng-chou, He died.....more

元唐棣倣郭熙秋山行旅 軸

元唐棣倣郭熙秋山行旅 軸

also did wall paintings at the palatial Jiaxi Hall, for which he found favor. This rustic setting.....more

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 元王振鵬仙閣凌虛

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 元王振鵬仙...

之門,如李容瑾、朱玉、衛明鉉等。是故此幀雖未必為王振鵬所作,然定屬其流派無疑。&*Wang Chen-p'eng was a native of Chekiang who enjoyed favor.....more

宋燕文貴秋山琳宇圖 軸

宋燕文貴秋山琳宇圖 軸

'aifeng, where he was a merchant. Later, he became a talented artist and received the favor of Kao I.....more

元人宣梵雨花圖 軸

元人宣梵雨花圖 軸

。人物線條圓勁有力,傅色尤得沈穆法,為元人佛像畫中佳作。作者名款不具。&*This work illustrates how heaven reveals its favor by showering.....more

明陸治支硎山圖 軸

明陸治支硎山圖 軸

of Wen Cheng-ming in favor of his own. 本幅 83.6x34.7公分、全幅 58.5公分 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態圖像 陸治 數位化執行單位:國立故宮博物院 明陸治支硎山.....more

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋蔡卞致四兄相公尺牘

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋蔡卞致四...

Ching, who went on to receive the imperial favor of Hui-tsung and became Prime Minister. Ts'ai Pien thus.....more


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