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共找到 75 筆符合的資料
五代南唐巨然寒林晚岫圖 軸
。 &*Ch'-jan, a native of Chung-ling during the Southern T'ang dynasty, was a monk of the K'ai-y'an .....more
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清王原祁畫中有詩圖 軸
、吳歷等來訪,而吳歷不至王所已二十年。佳節相逢,與會可想,因作此圖。筆墨精妍,設色雅澹,滿紙韶秀之氣,異於他作。氣機之間,大與墨井相近。是鷺臺經構。 &*Wang Yűan-ch’i, style.....more
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。 &*Illustration of the Poem ‘Lighting Braziers’ in the Emperor’s Calligraphy Chang Hao Ch’ing dynasty.....more
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清董邦達倣荊浩匡廬圖 軸
-1769) Ch’ing Dynasty Mount Lu (“Thatched Hut”) is in southern Chiu-chiang County, modern Kiangsi.....more
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明人集繪 冊 清姜泓梅花
、點蕊,一一出於寫實手法,精細整飾,極得老梅的情狀,惟因畫在金地,強光反映微損色度。&*Nothing is known of the life of Chiang Hung, for he.....more
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明吳偉仙蹤侶鶴圖 軸
of A Crane Wu Wei (1459-1508) Ming Dynasty Wu Wei was a native of Chiang-hsia in Hopei. His style.....more
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集古圖繪 冊 明陳惟允詩意圖
),時倪瓚六十五歲。書畫均佳,可謂珠聯璧合。 本幅選自「集古圖繪」冊。&*Ch'en Ju-yen, a native of Kiangsi province who resided in Soochow.....more
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清蔣廷錫畫敖漢千葉蓮 軸
陰暗的區別,使得畫面較為呆板刻劃。畫木質瓶座具有西洋透視法的立體感,相當寫實。此圖有可能是其門生代筆之作。 &* Chiang T’ing-hsi (style names Yang-sun.....more
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明文伯仁攝山白鹿泉菴圖 卷
Chiang-ning County, Kiangsu, is also known as Mt. Ch’i-hsia. In 1555, Wen established.....more
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明張翀畫東閣觀梅 軸
十二年,一六三九)款。 &* Chang Ch’ung was a native of Chiang-ning. He was well-known for his figure paintings.....more
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元明人題錢譜雜文 冊 金聲書賦...
, Kiangsu province. This poem which he wrote in 1366 is the seventh colophon to the Album Ch’ien-p’u.....more
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花卉畫冊 冊 明孫克弘芙蓉
ün-chih, sobriquet Hsüeh-chü), a native of Sung-chiang (modern Shanghai), possessed.....more
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明人畫幅集冊 冊 明王恆桃源圖
of Sung-chiang [modern Shanghai]) later moved to Hangchow. He excelled at copying ancient paintings.....more
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清徐燦畫瓶蓮大士 軸
畫觀音千幅進呈皇帝,乞恩賜屍骨歸葬,由是名播海內外。&*Kuan-yin Hsü Ts’an Ch’ing dynasty Hsü Ts’an (tzu, Chiang-p.....more
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