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元人書全部法華經塔 軸

元人書全部法華經塔 軸

more that 60,000 characters in 28 chapters has been written. Eight treasures are depicted at the base.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋蕭照關山行旅

集古名繪 冊 宋蕭照關山行旅

progress in single file along the base of a cliff. We see the peaks emerging above the clouds, which.....more

元馬琬喬岫幽居 軸

元馬琬喬岫幽居 軸

cliffs amid myriad snow-clad peaks. At the base, of the mountains are fragments of rocks-multi-faceted.....more

宋人集繪 冊 無款秋山古剎

宋人集繪 冊 無款秋山古剎

reflect a mix of "axe-cut" and "twisted hemp-fiber" texture stroke methods. The coloring features a base.....more

清張若澄畫葛洪山居圖 軸

清張若澄畫葛洪山居圖 軸

are minimal. Each peak is identified by an inscription at its base. Mountains and rocks are given.....more

明人畫雙喜 軸

明人畫雙喜 軸

with grasses, flowers, and leaves. Several sprigs of "spirit fungi" are at the base of the rocks.....more

元黃公望天池石壁圖 軸

元黃公望天池石壁圖 軸

side of the range, while on the other side, a bank of mist eclipses the base.....more

元方從義山陰雲雪 軸

元方從義山陰雲雪 軸

to be floating and shifting on an aqueous base. This is not a large piece, but the rhythms of ink.....more

宋沈子蕃緙絲山水 軸

宋沈子蕃緙絲山水 軸

a base of light silk. An expanse of water separates the front and back. Of the 2 tall trees.....more

元方從義山陰雲雪 軸

元方從義山陰雲雪 軸

to be floating and shifting on an aqueous base. This is not a large piece, but the rhythms of ink.....more

明陳憲章畫梅花 軸

明陳憲章畫梅花 軸

ink washes that serve as a base on the silk and provide a dimension of depth.....more

宋蘇漢臣灌佛戲嬰 軸

宋蘇漢臣灌佛戲嬰 軸

of children. In a courtyard, four children bathe an image of the Buddha. One chid holds the base.....more

明武宗畫哈叭驚蟬圖 軸

明武宗畫哈叭驚蟬圖 軸

Wu-tsung (r. 1506-1521), the base of tree actually bears the signature of Li Ao. He was a court.....more

清王翬倣趙大年水村圖 軸

清王翬倣趙大年水村圖 軸

as one of the Four Great Masters of the Ch’ing. Cottages at the base of hills have been built.....more

宋元集繪 冊 元趙孟頫茅亭松籟

宋元集繪 冊 元趙孟頫茅亭松籟

outlined and then textured. Ochre was applied as a base for the coloring,to which blue and green.....more

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